Chapter 3: Amidst the Veils of Reality

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Inanna's consciousness emerged faintly from the abyss of dreams, the sensation of her own existence gradually returning. She opened her eyes, but the sight that unfolded before her was as alien as it was unsettling. She stood on an arid plain, stretching as far as the eye could see, bathed in shades of violet and gray. The sky above was a strange blend of unfamiliar colors, radiating a diffuse and cold light.

With cautious steps, Inanna began to explore the barren terrain. The ground beneath her feet was rough and granulated, as if made of fine iridescent mineral particles. There were no plants, water, or visible life. A sense of desolation enveloped her as she ventured through this alien and hostile landscape.

Eventually, after a long walk, something rose in the distance. A large structure stood out against the strange horizon. As she approached, Inanna was taken aback by the curious shape of the building. It resembled an intricate interweaving of geometric forms, as if it were organically emerging from the violet ground. There was a mesmerizing quality to this construction, something that irresistibly drew her in.

With hesitation, Inanna entered the structure. The interior was an even greater surprise. She found herself in a richly decorated room, reminiscent of a place she thought she had lost forever. It was her family's home, exactly as it was when she was a child. Every piece of furniture, every object, everything was there, untouched. She examined the photos on the wall, the toys scattered on the floor, all so vivid and real that it seemed like time had rolled back.

Confused and with a racing heart, Inanna stepped into the kitchen of the house. It was there that she saw the familiar figure at the counter, a woman whose appearance mirrored what Inanna used to see in the mirror. It was her mother, looking at her with an affectionate smile.

— Inanna, my dear, you've finally come — the figure said with a serene voice.

Inanna was speechless, her heart oscillating between confusion and emotion. The woman's voice, the familiar place, everything seemed too real to be true. She swallowed hard and finally managed to stammer:

— Mother?

The woman extended her arms, inviting her for a hug.

— Yes, my dear, I've been waiting for you.

Inanna approached, the conflicting feelings of disbelief and warmth flooding over her. She embraced the motherly figure, feeling tears welling up in her eyes. As emotions engulfed her, a question arose in her mind: what was happening? How could she be standing in her childhood home, facing her mother who had passed away so long ago?

The answer, however, remained elusive, as the world around her pulsed with mystery and the boundaries between reality and dream continued to unravel.


Dumuzi woke up in an oppressively dark environment, his vision gradually adjusting to the shadows around him. He was lying on a rough surface, his eyes fixing on the translucent figures leaning over him. They were beings of grotesque and ethereal appearance, with thin and contorted bodies, as if made of frozen vapor. Their eyes were iridescent spheres, glowing with a supernatural gleam as they watched Dumuzi with morbid curiosity.

Dumuzi's heart raced, and a shock-filled cry echoed in his throat. He sprung up, struggling against the creatures surrounding him. His fight was desperate, his movements seeming to occur in slow motion as he writhed to escape the cold and insubstantial grasp of the translucent beings. Finally, he managed to break free and staggered away, his hands trembling with pure terror.

Dumuzi found himself in a labyrinth of narrow corridors, the walls and ceiling seeming to shift and change before his eyes. Every step he took seemed to lead to a crossroads, a choice between dancing shadows. The distant sound of footsteps echoed behind him, a constant whisper that heightened his agony.

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