Better nights

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This chapter of zeek's life is different. We first see him riding down a dark road on earth. Needing some time alone after an argument with Loona.

An hour earlier~

Zeek: Hey Loona. You good?

Loona: You really think god is looking after you?

Zeek: Why you ask?

Loona: It's weird. Cause we're in hell and all. And you pretty much sold you soul to the devil and god doesn't like that very much does he?

Zeek: Well.. Not sure if it has anything to do with me selling my soul or whatever. I'm still faithful to him.

Loona: If you sold your soul that would mean your not faithful.

Zeek: Whoah let's not jump the gun here. I still believe god has a..

Loona: Quite lying to yourself. He's not coming back for you. Your the fucking ghost rider. And that means that he's not trying to rescue you from this shit hole. Literally.

Zeek: What do you mean lie to myself? I didn't really give up my soul to him. I don't know what he took from me but I know it wasn't that.

Loona: Then what did he take. Cause you can't have two different souls in one body. Or I think.

Zeek: I don't know how it works. All I know is that he's still looking out for me. That's all.

Loona: How do you really know?

Zeek: He gave me you, blitz, moxie, Millie. You all are the best people I've ever met in my life. Even though you kill for money. It's just a... ah who the hell am I kidding. That's a terrible thing to do.

Loona: Wait. Weren't you going to do the same thing if you didn't get the rider? Or just pity yourself?

Zeek: What's going on here? Why all the damn questions?

Loona: I'm just trying to understand your thought process here. It's not connecting.

Zeek: I know it doesn't make any sense but...

Loona: The only thing that makes sense is that god abandoned us. He abandoned you. Of all people I'm surprised you don't feel that way. Cause doesn't god leave all people in hell to "rot and burn".

Zeek: That place is real. Trust me. It is. I've seen it.

Loona: Where? I've never seen it.

Zeek: You don't want to. Trust me. When ever I send someone to the hell im talking about... it's a nasty place. That's the REAL hell.

Loona: So what's this... never mind.

Zeek: I'm just trying to understand what's all this about?

Loona: I guess what I'm trying to say is that why are you so fixed that god is the one that helps you through the worst shit you've been through. I never saw god or an angel protect you.

Zeek: He's there Loona. He is, trust me. He's there.

Loona: WHERE?? I haven't seen him a fucking day in my life?!! And neither have you!! Why do you keep lying to yourself like this?!

Zeek: It's all the hope I have left! I still believe that I have a second chance to redeem myself for the shit I've done. And god gave me you all and I'm not going to... I'm going to make it my job and responsibility to make sure that you all are safe.


Zeek: He may not be here but I can.. I... I'm sorry you went through the shit you had to go through. But look at where your at now. All you had to do was wait on time to pass.

Loona: So all the shit that you say "god" put me through. I just had to wait for it to be over in order for me to finally meet you, blitz, and everyone else.

Zeek: I don't know your struggle, and I never will. But with each struggle, makes us stronger than what we were before. I know where my family is right now. I know that there's a 90% I'm never going to see them again, but I gotta keep moving. For them. Not myself. I gotta lead myself in the ways that I was taught.

Loona: At least you were taught something. I learned as I went along. I was taught to survive. No one ever actually cared about me. Except blitz. But that was when I was old enough to be on my own.

Zeek: Thank god he...

Loona: I swear, if you say thank god one more time.

Zeek stands there for a second.

Zeek: I try. That's all I do. Make people feel safe. Throwing away my comfort zone to make everyone feel at home. But it doesn't matter anymore. I'll never know how you feel about god and all that. But your not the only one that's suffered by his hand.

Loona: Then why do you still worship him? Why do you'd still believe that he's with you? Even after all the shit he's put you through.

Zeek: I don't know. It's just the way I was wired as a kid. Force of habit. I'm sorry. I need to take a drive.

Loona: Wait.. just...(sighs)

Zeek: don't worry. I won't be long.

Loona: Sorry I yelled..

Zeek: Nothin I haven't heard before. I'm used to the yelling.

Before he leaves out the door

Zeek: Loona.. you gotta understand what exactly I see.. when I look into someone's eyes. When I see their mistakes, their sins. I see all of mine too. Everything I've done, said, took, everyone I've hurt. Every time that happens, I see my family die. Over and over again. Then people wonder why I don't talk to anyone about this shit. I know you said that I can talk to you, but... there's so much I can tell you. Before I have to stop myself. I'll see you later on.

Present time~

Zeek stops by a gas station and gets some snacks. Thinking about everything they talked about. He feels like a jackass for leaving her like that and heads back home.

Zeek: Loona.

Loona: Yea?

Zeek: Hey. Got us some munchies.

Loona: Munchies?

Zeek: Snacks. Wanna watch somethin?

Loona: Sure.

Loona: Wait. We both know what's bout to happen. But there's something I gotta tell you.

Zeek: What's up?

Loona gets close to his ear and whispers-

Loona: I have syphilis.

Zeek: Oh. Ooh.. ok no problem. I can fix that.

Loona: Wait. You can.

Zeek: Yeah. I used to have type one diabetes, asthma, and skin problems. I was a fucked up dude before I got the ghost rider. I can fix that up no time.

Loona: Ok.

They get "comfortable" and put on a movie and just let it play while they "Netflix and chill". After their done they just put on SpongeBob SquarePants.

Loona: God must really be worth something huh.

Zeek: he works in mysterious ways. God ain't all rainbows and butterflies I'll tell you that much.

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