2-...Replacement? No way.

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(Art by @AndiBonnie on X! I think Bonnie looks so cute in this art 🤭)


Bonnie faced away and squatted down onto his knees in front of Freddy -- effectively blocking the latters view of whatever was there.

The bunny faced the other way with a smile. His hands were cupped around a mystery object which covered it completely.

"Ok, close your eyes!" Bonnie sang. The smile on his face never went away.

Freddy complied and shut his eyes, wanting to speed up the process in seeing what the other was presenting.

Once Bonnie saw that Freddy's eyes were completely closed, he opened his hands.

"Open them!"

Freddy's eyes fluttered open and he tilted his head in a bit of surprise as he looked at what lied in his partner's hands.

There, being held by Bonnie, was a miniature version of the DJ. Freddy hadn't ever seen them before, and it's seemed like Bonnie was the first to discover the thing.

"Look! They're mini DJ's! I don't know how the little guys ended up here, but aren't they adorable!" Bonnie smiled even brighter.

Freddy flashed his own grin upon seeing the bunny's.

"They are. They're like little pets!" Freddy laughed as he poked the mini DJ -- in return, it sniffed and licked at his hand.

"We should make them tiny outfits with sun sometime; you know how he likes arts and crafts."

Bonnie lit up at the suggestion, which was exactly Freddy's intention.

"You're right! We should give them little bunny and bear ears!" Bonnie shouted.

The two laughed together although they fully intended to go through with the plan.

Through Bonnie and Freddy's laughing fit, the other three had entered the bowling alley -- making their way down near the lanes where the lovers resided.

Chica was the first to spot the two, and immediately announced their presence.

"Hey look!" She sprang. "It's the guys again."

Bonnie and Freddy turned around to look at the group approaching them.

Roxy and Chica walked closely, while Monty stepped back a bit to take in the bowling alley.

Bonnie sat on a table up the stairs in front of the lanes with his legs hanging off while Freddy stood next to him, their hands wrapped together.

"What've you two been doing? We looked behind us and suddenly you were gone," Roxy asked, now standing in front of the boys. Suddenly, she dawned on something. "Actually...don't answer that."

Bonnie scoffed, instantly knowing what she was implying.

"We were just hanging out, don't make it weird," he rolled his eyes. "Besides, it doesn't take four people to show someone around."

Remembrance ~ Glamrock Freddy x Glamrock Bonnie <3Where stories live. Discover now