Astarion x Siren Reader (fluff/smut)

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Y/n = ur name
Y/s/c = ur skin colour
Y/e/c = ur eye colour
Y/h/c = ur hair colour

This is long and terrible!! But enjoy I had fun writing it!! Got rigid the beginning.

Astarion was trying to remain composed, trying to act as nonchalant as possible, but the truth was that his heart skipped a beat from just hearing her voice.

"Oh, and may I ask what is a pretty little thing like you doing out alone in the middle of the night?"

"Sure if u would like"

She sighed and looked at him surprised.

"Pretty thats new why are u being I don't know, so nice"

She said slowly with a questioning look on her y/s/c but beautiful face her y/e/c eyes holding question.

Astarion looked at her with a teasing grin, that same devilish grin he liked putting on when talking with women.

"Why should I not be nice? You're not scared of me just because I'm a vampire, are you?"

His voice had the slightest hint of mocking amusement.
"Unless... you are scared of me?" He teased.

The small female let out a load laugh.

"Haha, scared?? Of you? Yeah, no, I am not. "

"Aha, really? Then what is someone as beautiful and courageous as you doing outside by herself at night?"

Astarion made sure to speak his piece in a way that did not sound like flirting or courting, but just a guy trying to be friendly.

But she was pretty, very pretty. Hard to deny that, especially since he couldn't take his eyes off her.

"Just wanted to go for a walk, that's all. I'm not scared of anything, I'm a big girl. I can look after myself."

She said with much confidence.

"You seem so confident in yourself, you must be a capable fighter then." he said, again with a slight mocking tone.

He took that as an opening to try to flirt with her, without sounding obvious about it.

"Or, is your real weapon your beauty? I am certain you would be able to charm the pants of any man. Or woman..."

She let out a small laugh.

"Well, yes, I do charm my victims. Yes, my face and body helps but I am a siren, so I use my voice."

"A siren?"

Astarion was a little surprised, his previous mockery quickly fading to a smile.

"Then I guess I should be on my guard, or you might lure me down to the depths!"

She let out another laugh, ending with a smirk.

"Yes, you should be on ur best behaviour, or I might just think to feed off u."

Astarion smirked and took a step closer.

"I'd like to see you try, beautiful."

"Do I need to try?"

She smirked at the tall vampire.

"I'm gonna go for a swim maybe kill a few drunken sailors."

The short female turned to head towards the lake.

Astarion quickly caught up to her and walked alongside her.

"A few?" He asked, a mock surprise clearly visible on his face.
"I didn't think you were as hungry as that!"

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