*Broken* Astarion x Vampire Reader

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Your name: y/n
Skin colour: y/s/c
Eye colour: y/e/c
Hair colour: y/h/c

♤. So this one is not very long but I hope you enjoy it. Its not a fluff or smut it's more emotional and kinda sad.

♤. Astarion had turned y/n into a vampire and still can't accept that it was a good thing. But y/n loves him and shows that she would rather be this way then not be without him.

The Broken Vampire.

Astarion was bored he wanted some entertainment some excitement, instead of this fighting yes it was kinda exciting but there was no rush.

Everyone was getting ready to camp up for the night everyone getting there full on food and beer, then returning to there own tents for the night it being to cold to sleep around the fire.

Astarion was still awake unable to fall asleep he left his tent sitting on a chair that he hand outside of the entrance to his tent.

He sat with a huff Astarion realised he was not the only one away, y/n. You.

"Ah good to see I'm not the only one awake" he said with a smile looking towards you rubbing his hands together.

You huffed "Ah yes" you said now infront of your tent closing it to keep whatever warmth was left in there.

"It's just cold the wild is keeping me up" You said to the vampire as you walked closer.

Astarion let out a small laugh "Yes that is the problem see being a vampire is not easy we hear everything smell everything" he said looking down at his hands with a small sigh.

"Yeah very ture" you said with a small chuckle.

"You look tired" you said now sitting next to the vampire.

"Yeah I feel like shit to be honest darling" Astarion said now looking at you with a smile, he examined your face. Beautiful he thought and forever Beautiful you will be.

The perks of being a vampire.

"Same, I'm... I'm still getting used to being like this you know a vampire it's hard not hearing a heart beat even though I can walk and talk still"

You said looking away looking around the camp listening to the wind and the heart beats of your friends, knowing you will never hear your own again.

"I'm sorry"... Astarion said "I just didn't want to lose you" he sounded ashamed, disappointed by himself.

You saw a drop leave his eye, "Oh Astarion don't cry" you said now standing infront of the broken vampire, putting your hands on his shoulders trying to make him look at you.

Astarion gasped and cried harder "no no maybe I shouldn't have I was greedy I couldn't let you go!"

The vampire infront of you shouted out now standing up his height being way tall then yourself.

You couldn't stopped your own tires from falling.
"Astarion don't talk like that"
You push your fists into his cheat.

"Don't say that, I'm happy u made me like this. I don't blame you I would have done the same if it was the other way round!!"
You shouted.

Astarion grabbed your hands pulling you into a tight hug.

"I'm sorry I won't talk like that again" he said finally getting ahold of his own crys.

You looked up at him " if you didn't bring me back you would have been by yourself, I would have been dead but I'm alive with you"

You said putting your hand your hand on his face wiping the small droplets of water away from his handsome face.

Astarion nodded at your words rubbing his face in your hands enjoying your touch.

So close he thought.

"I love you Astarion" you said with a smile.

Astarion looked into your eyes his hand on your face wiping your tires away. He pulled a small tired smile.

Astarion looked deep at your face admiring your y/s/c face your beautiful red eyes with a hand in your y/h/c hair it had a strip of white in it. You were beautiful then now your stunning.

You are Astarion's everything.

"I, Astarion love you too y/n deeply and forever because forever is what we have"

Astarion said looking lovely at your face he could help letting more tires fall he has loved you since the day he met you.

You let out a small chuck with happy tires in your red eyes that were once y/e/c.

"Then forever it shall be" You said bring Astarion into a small kiss.

♤. I know it was short but thank you for reading. 😊❤️

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