Astarion x Witch Reader (Part 1)

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Your name: y/n
Skin colour: y/s/c
Eye colour: y/e/c
Hair colour: y/h/c

(Colour of your magic: y/m/c)

♤. Astarion acts like he does like Reader that much, but he wants her so bad.

♤. The first story where you interact with the other characters!!

Today was a busy day, just filled with killing and travelling, packing up camp, and setting it up, so it's pretty boring.

You had just finished setting up your tent a good thing about you is you have magic up a proper bed infact you can make the inside a proper bed room.

You smile as you leave the flaps open of you tent looking in to see a decent sized room looking cosy and warm.

You sat down outside your tent sharpening your sword, you look across the camp looking at your friends accept one Astarion.

That asshole has been giving you trouble all day like he always does all day everyday, you see that he has just finished doing his own tent his shirt off. Shit.

You can't believe your thinking this but if he wasn't such an asshole you would 100% do him and not like normal like hard.

You smirk at the thought looking back down at your sword then you hear two sets of laughter coming closer to you.

You look up and saw Karlach and Shadowheart walking towards you completely laughing their heads off.

"Heyyyyyyyy" Karlach said with a wide grin on her face as she move her hands in a circler movement "chairs please".

You role your eyes as you put you sword and sharpening stone down as you moved you hands to the side a y/m/c came from your hand

As two chairs appeared one normal chair for Shadowheart and an iron one for Karlach.

"Thank you y/n" Shadowheart said while sitting down with her hand on your shoulder.

"Oh oh looking at that pretty boys jealous" Karlach said with a laugh as she pointed at Astarion.

"And what the hell do you mean about that" You said as you hunched down picking up your sword and sharpening stone again.

"He totally has the hots for you, you know that right" Karlach said send you a wink.

"Oh don't tease her you know how she feels about him" Shadowheart said looking at Karlach with a small glare her hand still resting on your shoulder.

"Pufff bollocks I can feel him glaring at me from here" you said with a small laugh still looking at what your doing.

"Oh look he is" Shadowheart said with a small gasp.

Astarion glared hard at your head but when he saw that Shadowheart looked in his direction he looks at her and smilings.

Looking away now walking towards the boys.

"Now looking at him walking away with that shity smirk. He soooo can't stand you" Karlach said now laughing her head off.

You can't help but smirk then you rolled your y/e/c eyes once you realised why you were smiling. Smiling over him.

You finished sharpening your sword now throwing your stuff just inside your tent now facing your friends giving them a smile.

"So why have you two beautiful lady's come to see me? Uhm?" You questioned them.

"Aw we were just bored and wanted to tell you my dear that Astarion has the biggest crush on you!!" Karlach said moving closer to your face.

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