Astarion x Reader (Wedding)

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Your name: y/n
Skin colour: y/s/c
Eye colour: y/e/c
Hair colour: y/h/c

❤️🖤Black, Red and Gold🖤💛

♤. This is a wholesome short story between Astarion and y/n a red wedding!!!

♤. Got the idea off tiktok: slimegreengal so go check them out!!!!

❤️💛Astarion pov:

Astarion couldn't stop pacing he had never experienced this amount of stress and nervousness, well that's a lie he was nervous when he asked you to have his hand to always be his until the end.

And you said yes of course you said yes you love him deeply and don't see yourself with anyone else just him, Astarion the handsome vampire.

He had your heat and always will.

Astarion was dressed up smartly in black cotton pants with a black button up shirt the top decoration with a gold rim, his jacket red (his favourite colour) delicately decorated with beautiful gold thread. (Like in photo basically)

So beautiful just like him.

"Astarion you need to calm down, sit down for a bit" Wyll said putting his hand on Astarion's shoulder.

Astarion let out a sigh, " I guess your right, I just cany help but feel nervous.. She makes me nervous. She's just so strong and oh so very beautiful she's perfect always to be perfect"

He said with a slight blush looking away fro Wyll trying to not show his weakness for you. It failed terribly.

Wyll let out a little chuckle and sat down next to Astarion, "I know but that's just y/n, she is a wonderful woman and I wish you two the best" he said looking at the vampire.

"Well thank you Wyll that's quite something when it's coming from you" Astarion said with a chuckle.

Wyll laughed, "yes, yes it is" he smiled.

"I wonder how the lady's are getting on?" Wyll questioned out loud.

And wonder they both did....

Mean while:

❤️🖤Y/n pov:

Y/n couldn't stop pacing she had never experienced this amount of stress and nervousness, she had the same tight feeling in her just like when he asked for her hand.

Yes you were excited but man yhe nerves were killing you, all you hoped is that everything was going to be okay.

You love Astarion deeply and you know he does too he would say he would kill for you and die for you anything just to keep you happy.

You stop infront of a long mirror looking at yourself in the mirror, your dress made with different types of lace the under layer black the detailed lace in top red in the middle of your dress at the bottom decorated with gold lace. (Like in photo basically)

Beautiful you are and you knew Astarion was going to look so handsome in his suit all you hope is that you both match a little m, you know red is his favourite colour and that it suited him very well.

You heard someone walk I'm you take your concentration off your dress to see who walked I'm, there stood Shadowheart.

"Hello my sweet you ready to do this everyone is out there waiting expecially for you?" She questioned with a smile in her face.

You turn around, "I guess I am. Let's do this" you said with a nervous smile on your face yet excited to just see Astarion again, seeing him is like a drug to be near him to hear his voice to smell him just anything.

Shadowheart holdings her arm out for you to take "let's do this then" she said while she watched you walk towards her.

You took her arm you now both walking towards were the small wedding will take place.

"How do you feel?" Shadowheart said looking straight ahead as you both walked.

"Nervous but excited, I just love him so much I can't imagine my life without him" You said looking down a little thinking about everything you and him have done together.

"Well your both strong hearted people, your perfect together and you both bring out the best in each other" She said taking a glance at you.

You both stop by the start of the little walk way where all your friends began to stand at the sight of you them all smiling.

"Well good luck" Shadowheart said your hand unhooked from hers she gave you a hug as she joined the others.

You held onto your red and black roses them resting in your hands against your front.

Music started as you began to walk towards Astarion yiu smile as he looks back at you small tears in his red eyes, you could stop your y/e/c eyes from tearing up too.

Once you make it to him you turn and pass your showers to Shadowheart and turn back to place you hands inside Astarion's big ones.

Astarion smiled widely at you,"Hello gorgeous" he said with a wink you blush and look at both your hands "Hello to you too" you said your y/e/c eyes looking back up to his handsome face.

~~ skipped the boring bits (also because idk how to write it)

"Now do you Astarion take y/n as your wife?" Gale asked. "Yes, i do" Astarion response his fingers running over your knuckles.

"Now do you Y/n take Astarion as your husband?" Gale asked now looking at you. "I do" you said with a smile looking into Astarion's eyes.

Gale clap his hands together "Well then I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride" he said.

Astarion swiftly wrapped his left arm around your waist pulling you forward and down pulling your face into a long passionate kiss.

Astarion pulled you back up you still in his arms "Well well your main now my beautiful wife. Death do us part" he said resting his forehead on your.

"Yes my handsome husband, Death do us part" You response with a smile kissing the him on the nose.

♤. I know it was short but it's a short but sweet kinda thing m, again check out slimegreengal. I really enjoyed writing this hope you enjoyed.

Bye bye,
Happy Reading 📚

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