*Protective* Astarion x *broken* Reader

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Your name: y/n
Skin colour: y/s/c
Eye colour: y/e/c
Hair colour: y/h/c

♤. (Before the events of baldurs gate)

♤. Y/n was forced to kill under Cazador's orders you being one of his new vampire spawns, it broke you mentally all you feel is guilt.

♤. Cazador gets angry at you for not shuting up so he decides that he wants to torture you but Astarion steps in to take your punishment, when he doesn't know much about you but for some reason he feels he has to protect you.

♤. Astarion visits you after what happened and comforts you.

Your Pov:

Oh y/n you feel nothing.

Feelings let your body when you made your first kill.

You cry.

"I never wanted to hurt anybody, why did you make me do it?!" You screamed at the evil man.

"Oh love that is just what your life has come to now your under me now" Cazador smiles kneeling infront of you grabbing you by your chin making you look at him.

You pulled your face away from him in disgust tears still coimg down your face.

Astarion standing behind Cazador stood there uncomfortable with what was going on infront of him, so uncomfortable watching you be in distress.

Cazador frowned when you moved away from him, he pulled you up with him as he stood up straight, "God woman stand up!" He shouted at you, you squiled in horror when he shouted at you. You felt scared and sick.

Astarion moved from one foot to the other hearing your crys hurt him all he wanted to do was hold you.

Cazador now getting annoyed at your loud crying he raised his hand it making contact with your so hard that you feel to the floor.

The man with white hair flinched a little his hands tighten to a fist.

"Now my new pet you may have done good work with your first kill but your crys are annoying me, you will be punished!" He shouted at you he calls more of his vampire spawns to grab you.

You scream as they pick you up they move to take your dress off.

Astarion's Pov:

I cant take it anymore she doesn't deserve this no one does but she's mine no one will hurt her no longer.

My fist tightens I step forward so I'm stand at Cazador's side, "stop I will take this spawns punishment" I said looking at the evil man.

Cazador looks at me he smirks.

"Fine, but she must shut it" he said pointing at the screaming girl.

I nod and walk towards the girl being held tightly but the others, "let go" I said coldly to them, they let her go but still ripped off her dress leaving her just I her underwear like the others.

She fell to the ground holding her legs to her body still crying slightly.

I kneeled down to her level and smiled lightly at her I whispered, "Hello there, I'm going to need you to stop or he will torture you and I don't want that. Okay?" I said looking at her trying to catch her eyes.

Once she looked at me she closed her mouth going quiet and nodded at me wiping the streaks of water away from her pretty face.

I got up straight and walked up to Cazador, "well you know how this goes Astarion turn around shirt off" He said turn to grab his wip off the side.

I turn and take my white shirt off turning away from him, looking at the shivering girl on the floor.

She looked up at me, I smiled and mouthed "it's going to be okay" to her I saw a small tear leave her right eye.

Cazador smiled widely at the sight of Astarion bare back getting his wip ready to strike him he looks a y/n on the floor.

"Watch and learn girl, your lucky this could be you" he said coldly.

He raised his hand a pulled down hard the wip making contact with my back I groan out a little in pain trying to stay strong of her.

He stopped.

"Take her to the others she's very lucky but might not be next time" Cazador said some of the spawn come back helping her up to take her to the rest of the group.

"Now it just you and me my Astarion" Cazador said his words making me sick he raised his hand and began to wip some more.

Your Pov:

(Some time passed)

They showed me where we eat and sleep there are five separate fires to sit at, I choose a little dark room it was cave like.

It was nice, quite it was my own place to sit and cry. I was calm for now.

Why did that man take my punishment from me it wasn't his to have.

They took my clothes took my life I wish I could feel my heart beat to feel anything but this cold body of mine.

I hold my legs hard against my fragile body my head on my knees trying to wish I just poof into nothing just disappear.

I heard someone move closer to me I didn't think it was anything important to look uo for maybe just is just someone finding a place to sit by the fire or to sleep.

That's until I feel something warn and soft get placed over my bare body, I look up.

It's him.

"Hello love" he said now moving to sit next to me.

"Hi" I said in a small voice he smiles at me and brings his hand to my face I flinch slightly away from him.

"Shoosh it's okay I'm not going to hurt you" he said.

His hand now on my face his thumb ran over my right cheek, "aren't you a pretty thing" he said a smirk on his face looking at my face in awe.

I was lost for word this has never happened to me and he's so handsome, I blushed like a mad woman.

He let out a chuckle and pulled his hand away he didn't have his shirt on, "so what is your name darling?" He questioned looking at the fire.

"Y/n and yours?" I said looking at the details of his face.

"Astarion its nice to meet you y/n" he said now turning back to look at my face the smirk still on his lips.

I sat back against the wall catching a glance at his back I gasp at the wip marks he also had some scaring with a large markings of some sort.

Astarion looked deep into your face, "Hey its okay they will go away soon thanks to that large marking in my back it heals it quickly" he said.

"How those cuts are deep" I said in shock.

"That large marking is done by magic when I get any cut over it, it'll heal like it was never there the mark must stay visible. Always there" he said he looked sad.

"Thank you, but why did you help me?" I said with curiosity looking at his face.

"I don't know, the only thing I know is that you didn't deserve it and that your mine, I don't want to see you get hurt" Astarion said he moved closer to you.

You smiled, "no one has ever said that to me, thank you Astarion" you said with a smile cheeks a red colour you move closer to Astarion.

Resting your head on his shoulder, he didn't move for a second but then you felt him settle and rest his head on yours putting his hand on you knee.

You close your eyes the last thing you heard from the white headed male, "nothing will ever happen to you again now I'm here, your mine y/n".

♤. I Hope you enjoy this story I am still taking requests if you want to see anything!!! See you Saturday!!!

Happy Reading 📚

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