Astarion x Human Reader (fluff)

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Y/n = ur name
Y/s/c = ur skin colour
Y/e/c = ur eye colour
Y/h/c = ur hair colour

♤.This is one is smaller then the first one!! But enjoy I had fun writing it!

{•Human -into> vampire}

¤.Warning ⚠️: sucking blood, fluff, slightly spicy!!

"Hello darling." He spoke out.

"Hello, handsome good work today,"

You said, looking at the handsome vampire, his eyes as red as rubies.

"I do my best, darling. I've got something to ask you.." Astarion's eyes glinted in the fire light as he looked you up and down.

"You wouldn't be opposed to a little feeding, would you? I'm *so* terribly hungry, and you look *so* tasty.."

He said smuggle

You're not surprised by this and let out a small laugh.

"Sure, anything for you."

You lifted ur wrist to the handsome man standing tall in front of u.

"Go on,"
You said in a quiet voice.

The elf was surprised when you didn't put up more of a fight, but he'd never met a woman who would agree willingly before.

Astarion's fangs descended, cutting into y/s/c skin and drinking your blood.

You let out a small hish from the bite, but the pain soon turned into numbness.

Even so, the pain was not that bad, You had experienced harsher pain in this dangerous world, you only being a human and all.

When the vampire was done with your wrist, he pulled away and licked his lips.

He reached out to touch your hair, his sharp nails resting on your cheek.

"I think you might be the best mortal I've ever tasted. You should be thankful I picked you, darling. You're delicious~"

You laughed amused by the males comment.

"Should I feel flattered or concerned by that?"

The short female said in a curious yet questioning tone, but you were not scared.

Astarion ran his knuckles down your cheek, his sharp nails pricking your skin.

"Flattered. Very flattered. I am royalty, after all. It's only natural I get the best mortal to drink from."

He leaned down and began to kiss you.

You were shocked by his actions but did not pull away the human and vampire had an odd relationship now and then.

One moment, they hated each other, then the next, they would be exploring each other's mouths.

And sometimes their bodies.

The elf kissed you deeply, wrapping his fingers in your dark hair.

"I think, darling, we both agree we have a special relationship."

Before long his hands found his way to your body, grasping firmly at your hip's.

You pulled back with a smirk.

"And that Astarion, I can agree on that with you,"

The human pulled Astarion back into the heated kiss that you shared a few seconds ago.

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