CHAPTER 31- 14-1

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AMON- That's all Hazel. I don't need your support anymore. I don't consider you as my senior anymore. Bye. (leaves)

HAZEL- Amon!!! Uh, fine...

MAX- Bro...

HAZEL- I am heading home. My head is hurting now...

Okay, you must be thinking what happened, right? It's a long story, lemme explain in short. So, Max and Aahana broke up because of a 6 year age gap between them. Max was scared that everyone will treat him like a pedophile. So, he broke up and it's fine, both of them are not hurt. And within a few days, Amon broke up with Avi because of their fights. I mean, Amon was overthinking all the time and he was thinking that Avi is cheating on her. And later, it was found that Max and Avi were dating. Amon took it as a misunderstanding and thought that Avi was cheating on him.

And in actuality, Max was trying to help Avi with his bad mood and their got into a relationship for what reason I don't know. So, Amon was fighting with Max, which was kinda disrespectful because it was a misunderstanding and Max was older. I tried to sort it out, but in the end, Amon thought I was taking Max's side. And he broke a friendship with me. Like bro, were my efforts too useless that he broke up a friendship like this? I am done.

RONIN- Oh so this happened...

HAZEL- One thing I have noticed, I am no one's special and no one is scared to lose me. Mark my words, everyone will leave me one day like I was nothing to them.

RONIN- Hmm...

*doorbell rings*

HAZEL- Uh, who's now...

RONIN- Don't act mad at them, okay?

HAZEL- I won't act until it's Amon.

*opens the door*

HAZEL- Oh...

ZOYA- Hey!!!

FALAK- Hi (._.)

RANDOM- Bro!!!

HAZEL- You 3 here?

AKKI- Ayo, get a side. I am here too...

HAZEL- You 4 here?

ZOYA- Yep!

RANDOM- We disturbed you?

HAZEL- Nah. Come in y'all.

*everyone came and sat on the sofa*

RANDOM- How's life?

HAZEL- Hell.

RANDOM- (;-;)

FALAK- You weren't coming online in GC these days?

HAZEL- Umm so?

FALAK- Give me the admin if you don't wanna moderate.

HAZEL- If I get eaten by an alligator, I ain't giving you admin.

FALAK- Unfair (._____.)

AKKI- Lmao.

RANDOM- You know Avi and Max are in a relationship.

ZOYA- Hmm.

FALAK- When this happened?

AKKI- Today.

FALAK- Were they cheating?

HAZEL- Nah, Aahana told her fake age, and Max was scared of the pedophile tag. And Amon and Avi were having a lot of fights, so they broke too. 

FALAK- Ok, but Max and Avi? Weren't Max and Aahana married?

HAZEL- They got divorced.

AKKI- How do you know?

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