Chapter 2

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hope you enjoy! I know this might sound a lot like magcon, but that's the only convention I really know what happens there.


When we arrive at the venue, Claire and I sign in and get our little baggies with pictures of the boys. I instantly fall in love with the one of Hayes. His piercing blue eyes perfectly complement his dark, almost black hair. And his lips! They are so pink and plump!

When we are about to get settled in our front row seats, a girl yanks my hair and yells, "Get to the back you b**ch!" I was so dumbfounded I didn't even know how to react. Claire was appalled because the girl looked older than us, then I saw her expression turn into anger. I've always had problems standing up for myself, I was bullied when I was younger because I was chubby, but I started eating healthy and hitting the gym.

Before Claire had the chance to say something, a surge of confidence rushed through me and I said while trying to keep my cool, "Don't you dare touch me with your scrawny nasty hands, and second, YOU get to the back of the line, we were here first." Claire shoved her lightly because she saw that she was about to say something else.

She mumbled, "whatever," as she whipped her obviously bleached hair in our faces as she stormed off. We both snickered and high-fived each other.

We took our seats and the show started. After 10 minutes HE walked out in all his hot glory. The one and only Hayes Grier.I had a grin plastered on my face, but soon realized if he saw me, he would think I'm some obsessive fan girl, so I tried to tone it down a little. he looked so good even though what he was wearing was casual. he had on jogger styled khaki pants with a simple grey shirt with a front pocket and black Nike roshes and his hair styled like it usually is.

My eyes were on him obviously, because he's the only reason I came here. My heart skipped a beat when he looked at me, I noticed every once in a while he would glance at me. When Claire follows his eyes to my direction for like the 5th time, she squeals, and said, "ooo he's got the hots for ya." if I was a lighter skin tone I'd definitely be blushing.

One of the events for the show was a game, and each boy had to pick a partner from the audience, I wanted Hayes to pick me so badly, but I the same time I didn't. Nash was in the tour this year, and picked Claire, she nearly fainted; I had to nudge her so she would get on stage. They looked so cute standing next to each other, her blond her went nicely with his deep brown hair.

When it was Hayes' turn to pick, and he pointed at me, a millions butterflies furiously fluttered in my stomach. I hesitated before getting on the stage all I could think was Grace, you better not embarrass yourself. His eyes followed my movements as I approached him.

I stood next to him and he whisper in my ear, "don't worry, we got this." I can't believe Hayes Grier just spoke to me. All I could do was nod while trying to process what was going on. I am so shy around new people, and especially the ones I like.

There were 6 pairs playing, and the first round was trivia. Claire and Nash were first, and their first question was of course the easiest, "who was the first president of the U.S.?" They obviously answered, "George Washington." 2 pairs were knocked out because the questions was progressively getting tougher. After about 10 minutes of trivia, the only pairs were me and Hayes, and Claire and Nash. They handed us buzzers and recited the question, which was, "There are only two pairs left, Cash and Grayes, if one of you Quote something that might be found in Benjamin Franklin's Poor Richard's Almanack? you will be the winner and get 2 VIP and have the opportunity to hang out with the boys if you answer this correctly."

I could see Hayes countenance becoming perplexed as they read the question, they were picking tough questions, because it was down to me and Hayes, and Claire and Nash. I quickly buzzed in because we learned this like a year ago, but I remember things easily. I answered, "eat to live, not leave to it." after a second of checking if I was correct, he said, " That's correct team Grayes win!" Hayes picked me up and spun me around unexpectedly. I was grinning like a crazy woman. me and Claire hugged each other and we grabbed our passes; As we were about to exit the stage Hayes told me with a wink, "I'll see you later." I responded," can't wait."

Am I imagining things, or did Hayes just wink at me?


Thank you for reading! I hoped you enjoyed the chapter, I put a lot of work into this.





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