Chapter 9

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AP history was amazing. Usually I never like history mostly because the teachers would make us cram and take notes. But, this class surprisingly went well, it was even fun. Mr. Lock told us about our first project. He basically turned a lesson into a game, and to be able to execute it we needed groups. Hayes, matt, Brianna, Glenn, and I were paired together. Today is going great!

I head to my locker to grab a few things for class. It was a little hot so I decided to take my cardigan off, and put my hair in a messy bun. When I shut my locker I nearly had a heart attack. Hayes was hidden beside my locker so I couldn't see him until I closed my locker. I said slightly shaken up , "Hayes, don't do that again." He embraced me while laughing, "aw, baby I'm sorry." I warned, "just don't complain when I get you back." He challenged, "don't waste you energy, I already told you I can't be scared." I sarcastically said, "ok." He laughed at my comment then we headed to the lunchroom. He turned to me and said, "Grace you look absolutely gorgeous like you always do." I smiled brightly and kissed his cheek, "thanks babes, you look dashing as well."

He smirked and said, " think I look dashing?" I face palmed not trying to conceal the smile on my face and said, "as those words left my lips, I knew... I knew you were going to say something." He laughed and kissed my hand that was enveloped In his large ones, "you know me so well baby." I laughed lightly at his comment. We entered the cafeteria, and i grabbed a burger, a burrito, fries, applesauce, and water. Hayes escorted me to a table with about 5 or 6 guys and a girl. I quickly recognized matt and Glenn from history. We sat down and everyone introduced themselves, there was Glenn, Matt, Clark, Nate, and Ricky. They were all friendly, especially Clark. He kissed my hand and winked and hayes gave him a warning look. On the other hand the girl, Abby, was highly unwelcoming.

I was relieved when I saw Claire and waived her over. I noticed a little flirting between Glenn and her. As I started eating, Abby commented motioning to my food, "isn't that a bit too much, especially for you." At first I was dumbfounded, I'm not even overweight, sure I had hips, a butt, and boobs, but I was not fat. I quickly recovered because I am not going to let people get away with saying rude things like that to me. Hayes placed his hand in mine as if he was asking permission for him to tell her off but I squeezed his hand reassuringly telling him I got it. I cocked my head to the side and and said, "I'm just wondering when I asked for your opinion." Before she could say something Claire said, "stay In your lane." Still she wanted to say something so Claire and I put are hands up and shushed her then said, "worry about yourself and eat your salad." We the turned our head away from her and we received 'ooohs' and 'damn' from the boys.

The rest of lunch we were talking and laughing, they are pretty cool guys; they are also all on the football team. As we were walking to algebra 2 I asked , "so... Who was that Abby girl?" He gave me the 'do I really have to?' Look, and I gave him the 'you better' look. He sighed then said, "we kinda dated freshman year, but she kept on pressuring me to do stuff, like you know, stuff. I told her that if that's all she wanted then we were done, so we ended it. Literally five seconds after we broke up she was hopping from guy to guy. She just lingers around us, no ones really said anything though."
"So was she your first girlfriend?" He said, "I had one in middle school but it was one of those stupid ones that you break up the next week." I chuckled then he asked, "am I your first boyfriend?" I hid my face in my free hand and mumbled yes. He took my hand and kissed it then said, "I'm honored." I smiled then we continued walking to class talking about the election.

At the end of the day I was kind of stuck, Caleb had soccer tryouts and Hayes had football tryouts. I decided to watch Hayes, and Caleb would take me home. I'm so thankful it's not hot right now, there's a gentle breeze. I sat on the top bleachers and pulled out my homework. I really wasn't paying attention just because I don't understand football. That doesn't mean I'm not going to his games though. When I was paying attention, he was doing well with the drills and scrimmages. After about an hour I finished my assignments so I gave my undivided attention to watching him play. The coach gave them a ten minute break, so Hayes grabbed his water and came up to me I stood up and gave him a hug even though he was all sweaty. "Baby you did so good, your definitely going to make varsity." He kissed my nose and I giggled. "Let's go to the movies this Friday" I smiled then said, "isn't that cliche for a fist date?" "Cliche isn't always bad." "Your wish is my command Mr. Grier." He groaned then hugged me tighter and whispered in ear while kissing it, "you shouldn't be saying things like that baby." My breath hitched and I let out a small whimper as he sarted kissing behind my ear, I felt tingles and shots of electricity coarse through my body, it was like I was melting in his embrace. I managed to say while he was kissing my neck, "y-you should Probably get back on the field." He pulled away a little with a smirk on his face, "yeah I should." With that he left, leaving shocked because of his actions.

After another hour try outs were over. The boys went back to the locker rooms to shower. After 20 minutes Hayes was out first to say goodbye before I left with Caleb. My mind kept going back to Abby, I'm just praying she doesn't start any unnesscary drama.
I hope you liked that chapter! What do you guys think of Abby? till next time, bye!





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