Chapter 4

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Hayes POV

      As I was approaching grace, I saw Alex bolt from were he previously sat, which was next to her. I hope he didn't try anything because he always does this during shows. During our last gig he actually got a girl to go to 3rd base with him, I know right disgusting. What was even worse was she was only 13. I really like Grace and I hope she doesn't fall into his trap, but I really need to confront Alex about the situation.

      I casually said "Hey what was that all about, he seemed to leave pretty quick," while I was putting the food down. She had a perplexed expression as she stated, I don't know, he said see ya later then left." I don't want to seem nosey and all but I have to ask her what they were talking about, if he was trying to 'charm her.' "what were you guys talking about?" I said as casual as possible.

End of Hayes POV


Grace POV

      "What were you guys talking about?" That question surprised me. It was almost like he was being possessive over me, it was kinda of cute; or maybe he was just curious. I decided to mess with him a little and smirked while I said, "Why do you want to know?" He smiled and said," I just want to know." I think I should tell him, it's not like it was bad or anything, right?

     I picked up a fry and popped it into my mouth then said, "He just said hi and complimented me." His facial expression hardened a little, and he asked, "what type of complement?" Why did he want to know so badly? Whatever, it's not like he likes me or anything, so I responded casually while eating the fries, "He said I was stunning, or something like that."

     He got serious all of a sudden and told me sternly, "I don't want to see you talking to him anymore, I am doing this for your own good." I laughed thinking it was a joke, haha. No he was serious, so I stopped laughing and said, "oh, you weren't joking." His face still lay expressionless till I spoke up and said smartly, "Why do I have to listen to you?" At the back of my mind I liked the fact that he was acting this way, like he liked me. He said, "I don't want you to get hurt, your funny, kind, and innocent."

     Well that was a shocker. he complemented me, but what got to me was that he thought I would fall for Alex's trap. I am definitely not stupid. I spoke up confidently, "so you think I gullible enough to fall for whatever he is trying to do?" He took my small hand in his big hand (I was freaking out) and said a little flustered, "N-no that's not what I meant," he sighed then continued with a soft expression, " You are a really cool girl, and your definitely not gullible, I just don't want anything to happen to you."

     Awwww that is like the cutest thing ever. I smiled then said, "I'm cool, huh?" He smirked then said, "okay, okay don't toot your own horn." We laughed then I saw him beginning to look sad, so I asked nicely, "whats wrong?" He replied," I wish I could see you again." He looked into my eyes. It's true, were starting school in a couple of weeks, and we probably won't see each other again.

    With a little hope I asked him, "what school are you going to?" He replies, "I'm transferring to Melville academy in Georgia. My face lit up, that's the high school I'm going to, I can't believe this is happening, it's like fate. he laughed and asked me playfully, "Why are you so happy, is it because your leaving me?" Only if he knew, but of course I'm keeping this as a surprise. I sarcastically said, "mhm I've been dying to leave." He chuckled then held his heart like I hurt him.

     He asked for my number, so I gave it to him to put it in. I looked at the name he put, and it was bae with hearts. I screamed on the inside but played it cool and commented on the name he put in sarcastically, "oh you read my mind." He laughed, then we continued talking and getting to know each other.

I went to get water, and out of nowhere Alex appeared. He said with his boyish grin, "let's talk." What should I do? Hayes seemed pretty serious about me staying away from him, but he doesn't seem like he could hurt me, and he is pretty cute. The struggle.


oooooo what do you think Grace is going to do? I hope you guys like Hayes' POV, comment if you want more of it. Until next time!




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