Best Friend

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Dear best friend,

I know this has all been hard for both of us. I feel like I laid all my problems on you, and I'm sorry for that. I never meant to burden you like that. It was never my intention. Ever. I know you wanted to know, to lessen my weight. And you did. Whenever I was around you, I felt a little bit lighter. You picked off the heaviness bit by bit, making it a little more bearable for me.

I wanted to thank you, for always being there for me. For always being my side, a steadiness against my instability. You are my rock, my tether to the ground. You keep me where I need to be, and bring me closer to where I need to get. I'm a balloon in the sky, tossed by strong winds and violent storms, punctured by flying stones and soaring uncontrollably through the skies of life. You're my string, holding me back and pulling me down when the winds get too strong and the storms threaten to slash me apart. You let me free when the skies are blue, and the clouds trace their way across the open expanse. You let me roam where I won't get hurt, won't crash and burn. You lead me to calm and happiness. Thank you.

There are so many things I want to say to you. But mainly thank you. Thank you for staying with me, for holding off bullies, for helping me study for hours for that test I ended up failing. You were ready to give up and go to sleep, and I don't know why, but you kept going for me. You aced that test. Thank you for making me get out of bed, for dragging me on your spur of the moment excursions. Thank you for driving me to your cousin's house that's ten hours away just because we needed to get out of here for a while. Thank you for sharing your music with me, for letting me escape with you. Thank you for always being there when I needed you, even at two a.m. when you had that huge test you wanted rest for. Thank you for taking me to that concert, even though I didn't know the band and had absolutely no interest in going and didn't even want to leave my bad. I had the time of my life that day, thanks to you. Thank you for everything you've done for me.

This in no way covers everything I want to thank you for, but it's as close as I'm going to get without bawling my eyes out. I've got twenty-nine more letters to write.

Don't give up. Ever. Keep going strong like you always do. Follow you're own advice and don't dwell on the past. You're a brilliant and strong person. I know you'll go far in life.



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