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Dear bully,

Why did you do all of that to me? It hurt. It still hurts. I'm scared that it always will. But how long is always? I'm not sure anymore.

Did you even know that you were bullying me? Were you doing it on purpose? Were you doing it for yourself? Were you doing it to hurt me? Were you doing it of your own will?

But I guess none of that matters anymore. It's all over.

I hate you. I always have. It's festered inside me since the first time I saw you. You didn't look like a nice person. You never have. And then you opened your mouth and said the foulest things with the foulest voice. It hurt my ears to hear you speak, and hurt my heart to listen to what you said.

I saw you do it to other people, too. They cowered at your feet , while others towered on your side. You were always surrounded by people. They either joined you or were destroyed by you.

I was destroyed.

And no one ever put me completely back together.

It wasn't just you. Others brought me down, too. You were one of the bigger ones. I want you to know the pain you caused. And it wasn't just me that turned out like this. But I'm probably the worst. You hurt people. Especially me. You probably can't even distinguish your victims from each other. You never bothered to learn our names in the first place. Even before you deemed us deserving of punishment.

I don't want to be like this. I don't know how many times I wanted death. Yours or mine. I didn't care who went down, just that one of us left the world forever.

I might just get my wish. Thanks to you. Thanks to a couple others.



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