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Dear Ex,

I think I'm glad we broke up. I think we grew more from being apart than being together. We didn't work well together. We destroyed each other. We raced down together, trying to beat the other to the bottom. The bottom isn't a good place. I know. You don't.

Life isn't fun. I don't think it was ever meant to be. But we had fun with it, at least for a while. We tested the limits, saw how much we could get out of it without breaking it. We got damn close. We almost broke our lives several times.

I think I got closer than you did.

I hope you find love. I hope you find someone to hold you back and keep you safe and let you roam free. I hope you find someone who can love living life more than we can. I hope you find a reason to live and stay safe and risk things at times. Life is nothing without risk and pushing the limits. But it's also nothing if you only risk and push the limits.

Don't push too hard. Don't give up.

All the best,


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