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Dear celebrity,

You're amazing. I'm a huge fan. I love you. I look up to you. I think you're a good person doing good things.

You don't know who I am. You probably never will. You might though. You might hear about me. You probably won't care. You probably won't even read this letter. But I hope you do. At least, I think I hope you do. I might not actually want you to read it once I send it out, but I have to send this letter anyway. For myself.

I have a bunch of stuff going on in my life, and so do you. We have very different problems, but I think we suffer about the same amount of stress and pain and hurt and bad. It's different, but still the same if that makses any sense.

I don't know what to do with my life. You must've felt like that at some point, right? Doesn't everybody? Or am I an anomaly? Different? An outlier? A defect?

If I was famous, would I be having these problems? I don't think so. But I'd be having other ones which might be worse. Or is anything worse than this.

I don't know anymore. About anything. I doubt everything. Every thought, every action, every word.

I have a plan. It may not be the right one. But at least I have a plan. It won't take me very far, might not even take me anywhere, but I have a start and place to aim. I'm aiming for the moon, and if I miss, I don't know where I'll land.

I don't think it'll be among the stars.

But I know you're better off than I am. And you're practically set for life as long as you don't screw up completely. You'll go farther than I could ever dream of going.

Your biggest fan,


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