chapter 3 (meeting him)

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It was morning the day I would be sold. I'm terrified my mom told me what sex is and it sounds terrifying. I really don't want him to touch me in that way. I don't want to be alive. I want to end it here but then my family won't get the money.

Hello, I'm home...

Big brother i run up to my older brother and hug him

I don't want to be sold please help me

Noriaki your an omega you're our way to become rich but please im only 14 i don't want this is their anyway

He yells at me and tells me i'm being a ungrateful bitch and slaps me as i cry


Well i'm not a sissy omega so i don't have to ever deal with that now get dressed up.

I cried all morning. I'm scared and no one will help me, not even God. I wish I could die so I can finally be in heaven with God, but is defying my parents a sin? I guess its better then burning in hellfire, i have to be a good little boy.

The old man comes to buy me and my dad attaches a leash on me like I'm cattle being sold.

I don't feel human anymore.

Mr Gregor kisses me and tells my father "He's perfect for my collection, beautiful indeed" while he licks my neck and grabs my breasts and it hurts. I try not to scream in pain. My dad tells him thank you I made it. Now they refer to me as it like im nothing im nothing god why do i have to suffer he's paying 200,000 for me and i can see the greed in my dad and my 3 older brothers eyes they are probably thinking of the wonderful things they can do with all of that money and my mom and sister are crying because they don't see me as a object.

I start pleading and crying and my mom is hysterically crying and Mr. Gregor is getting impatient and throws my mother down and my dad yells at her to stop.

Jotaros pov:

I got off at the start of the nokpik village it was very hard to find but I'm finally here walks around the ground and hears the sound of a young child crying and pleading i walk and see a young omega being sold off to a disgusting old man and their crying and their mom is acting insane she probably doesn't want her baby being sold off the omega looks very young maybe 12 years old I feel very bad for them and their pheromones is making me weak and might start my rut i have never felt like this before because I usually don't give a fuck but the look on their face of pure sorrow and despair made my heart ache i walk up to them and see them. Hello, what's going on?

Mr gregor: I'm buying this beauty but he's misbehaving. It doesn't matter. I will punish him when I bring him home.

I see the young omegas eyes widen in fear.

Whos the seller

Mr Kakyoin: i am

Well i will buy him for 5 times the price yare yare daze

Mr gregor with a red angry face says THIS ONE IS MINE GET YOUR OWN!

Mr kakyoin: okay with dollar signs in his eyes of course sir hes buying him for 200,000

I hand Mr Kakyoin 1.3 million in cash. This is nothing for me. Usually a royal meal would cost this much.

Mr kakyoin shakes my hand and seems very pleased

The omegas gaze softens and seems to relax his breathing a bit.

I will take him with me tomorrow can i stay at your place tonight

The omegas breath hitches

Sure sure sir

Btw i haven't seen you around here where are you from?

I'm from the joestar kingdom.

The joestar kingdom WOWWW the richest kingdom! Are the streets really paved out of gold and diamonds?

Well it's a very wealthy kingdom but only the castles are made from gold and diamonds .

Noriaki do u hear this?! This man is very rich and you will have a good life he can provide for you.

Noriaki pov: i was pleading for my dad to not sell me and Mr. Gregor was getting very angry then suddenly a gigantic man i wouldn't see his face very well but he is strikingly handsome i felt my legs get weak, his scent was so seductive i was aroused He walks over to us he asks what's happening and my dad explains on how im being sold i felt so embarrassed on how helpless i am in front of this man i have never met. I zone out and i hear mr gregor yelling at him and then i heard it

"Well i will buy him for 5 times the price"

I freeze thanks lord thanks god i'm not getting sold to Mr. Gregor but someone else i have never seen in my life...I'm getting sold off to a foreign man.

He says he's from the joestar kingdom

A kingdom i didn't know was actually real but my dad and grandfather had told me the streets are paved from diamonds and gold and all the beauties like myself wear big fluffy dresses and paint their fingernails and are the most beautiful maidens ever, as a young child when i was 5 i would wrap a blanket around my body and dance around pretending like i was a beauty from the joestar kingdom. I always knew i would never be able to visit it though everyone there is very wealthy and this man will take me there he's staying overnight.

I'm sleeping on my bed with my sister cuddling with her because I will never see her again because the Joestar kingdom is in another country. The foreign man sleeps in my dads room and they drink and chat outside with my older brothers. I don't understand what they're saying but all I know is this man is very wealthy.

I drift off into sleep

I wake up to see a horse carriage outside and i wear my dress and my hood around my head i kiss my sister and mom goodbye and i get on with the man on the horse carriage

I rest my head against his body he is really heating my body right now i'm not sure how old he is but i think he's my dads age i hope he will mark me soon my mom said once he does that im his property since he's an alpha and i don't have to worry about other alpha's hurting me because his scent will be on me i'm not sure on the whole marking process though.

Growing up as a young child i was always sexually assaulted by alphas and i would cry every night because my dad and brothers said it was my fault and said i was being a wench

When i was 8 years old i went to the restroom at the church and a man did so too and locked the door and undressed me and held me down and did things to me i try not to remember i screamed and cried but he wouldn't stop i woke up in the doctor's office and my mother was very worried and my dad seemed to be very annoyed by this i do not know what i did to cause this. And when I walk alone to get groceries men always grab my chest or my behind and squeeze it very roughly and I do not know what to do but ever since I told my dad that he demanded me to never leave the house again and told me too to pick wheat so I did for many many years. I will be grateful for men to not touch me like that anymore. I'm looking forward to being able to go to the market alone.

Jotaros's pov: i can't believe i bought this random omega yare yare daze I mean i won't regret it he looks very adorable sleeping with this tiny body cuddled up next to me but i don't understand why i even cared when i looked at his face but i'm just glad he's not crying anymore i guess i didn't find the dolphin-shark hybrid i will come back another time but i will drop him off to the joestar kingdom and have my mother holly and the maids take care of him, he's just merely a child but something about him being sold off to a man with a face expression as disgusting as mr gregors face makes my heart hurt i want to make sure he's safe i think his name is Noriaki how beautiful little Nori is what i will refer to him his scent drives me crazy smells just like cherries and vanilla .

Sold off to a foreign man (jotakak)Where stories live. Discover now