When Evil Takes Over .

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                      ASDFGHJK HIIIIIIII :D. What’s up? How ya’ doing? Are you Gucci? Are you elated? Are you jovial?

    **Elated and Jovial means Happy**



                       TO THE CHAPTERRRRRRRRR





                 Chapter 8:  When Evil Takes Over .








                      (Point Of View: Jàmiéé’s)


         (Jay & Lyrical’s Dormitory, In Jay’s Room; The Next Day, 6: 30 P.M.)






       I gasped as Vincent kissed me. His lips where like heaven. I moaned and kissed him back deeply. Vincent went deeper in me slowly. The cover fell down to Vincent’s back. Covering our lower body parts but not our waist and up. I laid my head in Vincent’s neck and kissed him on the neck up and down. Vincent smiled at me and pecked me on the lips, down to my chin, then my neck, and then my breast.


       I closed my eyes and digged my nails in his back. Vincent looked at me with those green eyes of his. I opened my eyes and found them black. Demonic black, Vincent ignored the look in my eyes and kissed me. I bit my bottom lip and licked it slowly. Vincent laid his head on my chest.



   Vinny: I love you.



    Jàmiéé: (Smiles) I love you too.




                                              I jumped up out the bed and gasped for air. Shit, I pulled the cover off me and noticed all my clothes were on. I looked around the room and saw that there was no sign of Vincent in my room.

†  Daddy's Little Girl †   (3rd book to My Lover Series)Where stories live. Discover now