Battle Scars.

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Chapter 10: Battle Scars.



                                                 (Point of View: Jamiee’s)








                                             Love can be a battle,

                                         Showing all these battle scars,

                                              They’ll never go away,

                                        They stay there on your heart,


                                           Are you winning the battle,


                                         Because you can’t win if you heart has fallen,

                                 You winning will be a irregular possibility,

                                               All those Jovial Memories,

                                             With those mournful heart,

                                         And that broken mind,


                                                  You hope your scars will heal,

                                                    But they won’t heal,

                                             When your in a battle with love.





                                               I stare out at the sun, ignoring the yellow, bright, wide sun in my face. The wind blows my hair from the car’s speed. I looked down at my locket. It clung to my skin, the gold locket shines in the sunlight. I smile softly. I feel a hand grab my right hand. I look down at the hand and see it belongs to Vincent. He looks at me and smiles.

†  Daddy's Little Girl †   (3rd book to My Lover Series)Where stories live. Discover now