Im not asking you to trust me am I?

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SORRY GUYS! I'm updating!!! Title referencing to "The Road to Eldorado"

The video above is called "Batman Vs Superman" by College Humor! It's hilarious but warning, language is used. Thank you all for being so patient with me!😘

QUICK GAME! While reading, try to find the Starkid Quote!

This conversation was not going well.

Dick asked me to take out my contacts, and he started questioning me, which I answered honestly at first, but I was starting to get kind of ticked off.

He's is MY house questioning ME and I'm giving up my information with no charge? What happened to everything I've ever been taught? Why aren't we fighting right now!?

I would like to fight him, but I also kind of want to kiss him? That can't be right.

I'm at a crossroads here. It's not like I even know him that well anyways.

As he continued to stare me down, he all of a sudden started laughing, and shaking his head. This was slightly terrifying since he seemed really mad a very seconds before.

I shifted uncomfortably in my seat, and eyed him suspiciously.

"Penny for your thoughts?" I asked, trying to keep the nervousness out of my voice.

He looked up at me again, still with a grin on his face. My eyes quickly flicked down to his lips curled into a side smile, before quickly looking back up at his eyes, hoping he didn't catch that. (Yes it was a sexy grin, but I can't focus on that right now)

I think he did catch it, because his smirk only grew. "This, is certainly shocking, I never would have guessed it was you all along." He laughed again shaking his head. "Your name is freaking Jadyn and you have dark red hair, I'm such an idiot."

I laughed lightly with him, slightly tilting my head back as I laughed.
"So much for having learned from the "Worlds greatest detective" I said, finger quoting it.

At the mention of Batman, Dicks eyes quickly snapped up to me, before he looked away and coughed.

I smiled wide. Because if Dick was actually Nightwing, and Nightwing was Batman's prodigy, and Dick Grayson was Bruce Wayne's adopted son...he certainly had enough money to get all the toys that Batman had.

Dick knew I figured it out, and placed his face in his hands. "No, no, no. This is all so messed up! I'm so screwed."

I sighed. Getting up, I moved over to the couch and sat down next to him, putting my hand on his back and slowly rubbing circles. Then I brought my other hand up and ran it through the hair on the back of his head. He visibly relaxed, and let out a sigh.

Suddenly his eyes flew open, and he jumped up making his hands form a "T"

"No! You are trouble. TROUBLE!"

I smiled innocently up at him. "I don't know what you're talking about."

He squeezed his eyes shut. "I can't look at you, I will do something I will definitely regret." This made my stomach do a flip.

He took a deep breath, and slowly let the air out, still with his back to me he started talking again.

"You are definitely trouble! You came to school acting all sweet and sassy, but rebellious, and really awesome and I became your friend, and you stood up for me...but then you had to ruin it by actually being a villain that I just so happened to have flirted with, YESTERDAY! Oh my gosh."

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