School? Aint nobody got time for that

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Soooo...its been a while. Yeah, its, its been a while. Right now, like currently, I am hiding out in a dressing room in Kohls. Why? Ehhh....I'm not too sure. But my sister is here with a friend and I was forced to Blechh! Sooo, while I am preoccupied, I decided to update the next chapter, since the last time I updated was LAST YEAR. lol go 2015. Was it just me or did 2014 seem to go by REALLY FAST!? Well enough jibber jabber!
Here's the next chappy!!

Jade's Pov

As soon as I got home, I saw Ivy standing by the door.

I smiled nervously, and snapped my fingers so my dragon returned to its tattoo form on my back. Ivy just pulled me into a hug, before going on about how I need to be more careful.

"...And you can't just go stomping around when it's time to leave! You gave us a heart attack when you stepped on that vial!" Ivy went on and on.

I rolled my eyes.

Then Ivy grabbed me again and pulled me to her in a bone crushing hug and just said about as dramatically as she could, "My baabbbyyyy!" I laughed and hugged her back.

"I'm not a baby anymore Ivy." I said while smiling at her. She had tears in her eyes when she put a hand to my cheek, and kissed my head, "You'll always be my baby." I smiled.

Then I saw Selina walk in out of the corner of my eye. Turning to her I smiled again. "I'm not into all that dramatic stuff." she said nodding to Ivy, "But I'm glad your ok." I nodded, Selina had always been really tough, I wasn't expecting any less of her.

I yawned and said, "Well, it's been a long and interesting day, but I think I'll go ahead and go to sleep." I turned on my heel and only made it half of the way upstairs before I heard a loud crash.

I turned back around and ran down the stairs to see where the noise came from. I saw Harley, and ran and hugged her. She smiled faintly, but I knew she was exausted. I helped her over to the couch with Ivy and Selina following close behind.

Harley laid on the couch, with me sitting next to her, then looked at me and said. "You need to go to school."

WHAT!? "What!?" I said. I had always been homeschooled. And had no desire why so ever to be among other *shivers* people.

"Gotham High."
She just stared at me with no explanation following her random outburst.

"Why do I have to go to some snobby private school Harls? You guys have homeschooled me all my life, I don't need to go to school!" I spoke really fast in one breath.

"The rest of us Sirens need to go out of town for a bit. We need you to stay here and make sure nothing big happens." Said Cat.

Ivy looked nervous as she walked up behind her. "Much to my protests, we have decided to let you stay here and be on your own for a little bit. Eddie will be here if you need him! I would say Crane as well, but as we all know he IS a bit unstable."

That was an understatement.

But...the whole city to myself? I could stay out as long as I wanted, I could take whatever I want (well I could always do this) but now I was alone! Finally!! My own heists, my own everything! "How long will you be gone?" Wait..."where are you guys even going?"

Ivy still looked uncomfortable. I think Harley was asleep. But, Cat spoke up "Metropolis, something...has come up. We need to go, and you need to go to school while we are gone because if you don't, we know you'll be outside causing problems everywhere! Trust me, that makes me proud, but still it might be a while. We aren't sure. If you get caught, we can't bail you out. Also, it'll blemish your perfect no jail record." She smiled.

I was still confused. They were being all secretive. "What's come up? Why won't you tell me?"

"We will JJ, but just not now...And you start tomorrow, we already enrolled you. " Ivy spoke hesitantly.

Fine. So that's how they're going to play this. "Ok, I'll go to school, but I WILL NOT make any friends! You know how I don't like social interaction with *shivers once again* people."

I hugged them all then finally went upstairs to get some sleep. I would have to start school tomorrow, I need to learn how to act all normal and crap. hmmm...I need an Instagram.


ITS DOOOONE! Gosh, this is hard work! I'm on my way to West Virginia! 😜 And as I'm sure you have realized, I am no longer in a Kohl's dressing room.
See you guys next time!!..well I mean, not exactly...BUY YOU GET THE PICTURE!

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