You'd Think Killing People Would Make Them Like You, But It Just Makes Them Dead

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I feel like Panic! At the Disco (more like Brenden! Urie smh) because my titles so long.

Shout out to whoever gets the title reference!

I feel like the story is moving too fast cause technically they've only known each other for 2 days and they act like they in LOVE! (They are not, just the beginning stages of really liking a lot)

So Imma try to slow it down a bit, like make them get closer before moe stuff happens if you get what I'm Layin down.

~Next chapter boom baby~

Jadyn's Pov

I gaped in horror as Ella, costume in hand, stared at me like she knew something. Which she couldn't of course there was no way.

First Dick and now her? TWO FREAKING PEOPLE IN ONE DAY? If she had some how figured it out, I was officially the worst villainess EVER.

What the heck was I even thinking inviting her to my HOUSE? I mentally beat my self up mortal combat style until I laid on the floor, with "fatality" flashing above my head.

How could I be so careless? Here I was letting my guard down a bit trying to make some friends just like a normal teenager would. But I'm not a normal teenager. OBVIOUSLY.

And that! I can't even think about that right now...Ill get distracted...


I still just stood there racking my brain for an answer when it hit me and I felt like a bigger idiot than before for not thinking of this excuse sooner.

"Well there you found it, I'm a giant geek." I said sighing, not having to fake the guilty look of being found out.

"What?" Ella asked, looking at me and cocking her head to the side. She was adorable and in that moment reminded me of a little kitten. Oh so curious.

"I love super villains too. I buy these really top quality suits when I can and like to put them on and act like I'm a super villain." I chuckled nervously. But hopefully it was convincing.

She stared at me a minute more before a giant smile spread across her features.

"That's adorable! I LOVE villains, but I never had the money for something like this!" Her bright smile faltered ever so slightly and her eyes dimmed.

It was quickly replaced with a bigger smile and she started laughing.

"Let's put them on!" She giggled bouncing a little.

"Them?" I blurted.

"Well yeah you said you buy top quality suitS; plural." She wiggled her eyebrows. "Where's the rest of the costumes?"

Crap. And back to my previous Fatality match inside my brain.

"This way." I mumbled.

I started to walk towards Ivy's room since she's kind of like the momma of the house and her plants wash our clothes. She used to put a special chemical that smelled really good before something went wrong and everyone had a reaction to it. And now we use fabric softener.

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