My name is Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya Del Rosa Ramirez

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Picture of the School
Hellloooo, so...I became obsessed with this app called aa, aaaand I got to level 26 and nearly cried cause I couldn't get past it and I played it FOR HOURS! But I finally did, and so yaay, happy ending. I also was watching a walk through for Five Nights at Freddy's and this one walk through by Markiplier was HILARIOUS! Even though the game is pretty creepy, it's not as bad as I thought when my friend introduced me! It's freaky, but not like SCARY scary.
Yeppp, so most of you aren't reading this, and that's totally ok, I usually scroll through the random ranting or talking and stuff when I'm reading too, but u knooow.

WHOEVER IS ACTUALLY READING THIS RIGHT NOW IS AWESOME! And If you weren't reading it before and you are now, that my friend is the magic of capitalizing everything.

Disclaimer(I should probably do some of these) I DO NOT OWN DC OR ITS CHARACTERS! I only own Jade and other various minor characters.

The sound of my alarm clock ringing startled me so bad that I fell on the floor.

"Uuuuuunnhgh" I groaned

What a lovely way to start the morning. Why do I even have an alarm clock!? I sat up scratching my head and staring at the clock confused through squinted eyes.


It hit me like a ton of bricks. My eyes went wide and I yelled, "NOOOOO!"

The neighbors are probably super worried. I went downstairs to get some breakfast and looked at the clock cause I wasn't really paying attention to the the one in my room the first time.

It was 6:03 and I had no idea when school started. It would be a shame if I missed the first day. Lol not really. There was a bright sticky note on the refrigerator that stood out above all other things.

Going over to the refrigerator I plucked it off and started to read it. It was from the girls,

Hey JJ! So we had to head out early to make it in time for that..thing we talked about. School starts at 7:30! Your uniform is on the table. We programmed the directions into the GPS in the car! Love you, see you soon.

UNIFRORM!? Gosh, this is awful. Rolling my eyes, I crumpled up the note and turned into a basketball player, dodging nothing, and spinning randomly before throwing the note into the trash can and making it.

I had a silly, side smile and brushed off my shoulder. "Baller." I walked back to the refrigerator and grabbed a toaster strudel.

I grabbed the uniform and ran back upstairs. After I took a shower I put the thing on and looked at my reflection in the mirror. At least it wasn't completely ugly.
(Picture of uniform at the top, you know, where the picture thingies go)

After that I looked at the clock. 6:47. I hopped into the car. True I didn't have my drivers license, but I had never gotten a ticket before and I drive all the time, so I think I'm good. Besides, even if I did get pulled over I'd just use my beautiful, girlish charm. Totally serious, but not.

I started driving for about 7-9 minutes before I got to school. It totally looked snobby, with whole lines of fancy "My daddy is a lawyer and bought it for me" cars. How gross. We worked for my car! Stole it and everything. Such a hassle! These people will never know what that's like.

I parked and got out pulling down the skirt, cause I felt like it was getting shorter every time I took a step. Probably just nerves. Me!? Nervous!? That doesn't make sense! I don't get nervous. Pausing for a second, I settled my nerves and thought about what Selina always says.

She says that if you ever feel nervous, or exasperated or anything like that, just remember that you are the one stalking, not the one being stalked. This made me feel a bit better and I straightened up and started walking again.

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