9. The Search

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"Oh my gosh. I think I'm going to barf.", Nicholas says, and I hear him vomiting behind me. I dismiss it and pick up one note.

Quit Digging Victoria

I look down at the additional note and flare it.


But if you must, try glancing by the cabin. Your cabin. There is some information you must witness.

"Daisy!", I say, alarmed, My letter tumbles to the earth as I rush out.

"What?", Nicholas says, perplexed. "Where are you headed, darling?", Nicholas continues, in a confused manner, sprinting behind me. I rushed to the cabin, where we encountered thin ice, blocking us.

"Oh dear god!", Nicholas says.

"Daisy!", I shout. Daisy runs out and lands on the glass. "No, no. Daisy, cautious.". Daisy hurries towards me, but before I can seize her the glass cracks around her, and she drops into the water. I rush towards where she fell, attempting to see if I could reach her, but once I catch a glimpse of her paw. The glass shatters around me, and I collapse into the freezing ice-cold water.

"Victoria!", Nicholas hollers.

I swim roughly and look for Daisy until I locate her afloat downwards. I position my arms, clasping Daisy, and securing her out of the water. But as I attempt to get out, my heel cracks, a piece of the glaze, and I plunge back in. But at this moment I'm met with a shark.

Oh my god. Oh my god.  I'm going to perish. The shark plunges towards me. Then abruptly the water splashes. And I see Nicholas swimming. He grabs my waist, narrowly as the shark is nearest, and jumps out. He drags my body into a secure awareness and gets on top of me.

"Wake up!", Nicholas yells, shoving on my chest. "Come on, Victoria.", he performs mouth-to-mouth. "Wake up, please.", He screams, pumping on my chest, again. I get up and spit out the water.

"My glasses!", I say.

"I think you implied to say, thank you, Nicholas, you saved my life. Thank you for being so flawless, and handsome.", Nicholas says, brushing his hair back.

I persist searching for the shattered glasses floating in the water. I search through my pouch, and pick up another pair, positioning it on my face. I laugh, causing Nicholas to roll his eyes. He positions his hand on my face and tucks my wet hair behind my ear. I smile, then he speaks, causing my smile to fade.

"Perhaps you should take a break from this exploration.", Nicholas says.

"But I'm so close.", I respond.

"Yes, but you also nearly died.", he continues, compelling me to smile. "Careful there, almost sounds like you care about me," I tell, then take a peek at Daisy, who lies on my bag, I pick the note out of it.

But if you must, try glancing by the cabin. Your cabin. There is some information you must witness.

"The note fooled me!", I yell, then we hear sudden footsteps, rendering me and Nicholas to look back.

"We have to go.", Nicholas says, I position Daisy inside my bag, and we head out.

To Be Continued...

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