16. BALL PT.1

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"The cause of my runway, yet to remain. I shall not marry. There is no way in hell, I will marry that man.", I respond. My mother looks at me confused.


Beloved, the man you were set to wed is standing directly beside you.

Nicholas and I turn to each other stunned.


"The fellow I was reckoned to marry was Nicholas?", I say, as my profound voice pivots into a giggle. Nicholas rolls his eyes.

"What's so funny, darling?", Nicholas replies unamused, and unsettled by my laughter.

"Sorry, to interrupt...", Mother says, annoyed. "Why didn't you inform me?", I interrogated her.

"I didn't know how you would react.", mother says, guarding herself. "It was agreeably for you not to know. I didn't know I was to wed your papa, before the wedding. It's the manner things are done.", she continues. "The wedding is occurring now, whether you like it or not. You have already wasted enough of our time.", Mother says, as the maids bring me into a chamber and quickly change me into a formal white wedding dress.


Do you accept Prince Nicholas Patridge of Great Britain to be your lawful wedding husband for as long as you shall live?


Do you accept Princess Victoria Bloom of France to be your lawful wedding wife for as long as you shall live?


With the power invested in me. I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride, and I now submit to you, Queen Victoria Patridge and King Nicholas Patridge!

Nicholas kisses me. But this kiss meant nothing at all, it was unreal after all. Everything about my bloody life is bogus. Or so I thought...

They present us with our crowns as we preside out of the room. The maids depart my crown, as I steer towards my chamber, but I'm halted by mother.

"Excuse me, Mama.", I say, before she can even speak, as I collect myself, steering to the terrace.

"Follow her. Make sure she doesn't get away.", mother says.

"Isn't that a tad unnecessary?", Nicholas questions, causing Mother to walk away.

• Nicholas

To think. Victoria existed to be my wife. I never fancied myself having a wife. But Victoria.Victoria Bloom. She is flawless. A rare jewel. And if I hadn't screwed things up. She would've been mine sooner. Victoria Partridge. My wife, my Victoria.

I arrive at the Terrance and take a seat.

• Victoria

Wow, Nicholas. My chum. The man I practically ran away from. I can't help but see him differently. Nicholas Patridge. A man I grew to understand, a man who rescued me and I nearly fancy him enough to keep around. Ok, maybe more than I want to admit. My husband, my protector.

My thoughts are interrupted when Mother docks.

"Mother.", I say, turning to her.

"I wanted to notify you, upon your arrival. Your papa and I arranged a ball, tonight."Mother replies. I turn back around staring at the newly painted barriers.

"Mother. We both know Papa had zero to do with it. This was all you, as invariably.", I respond bluntly.

"Just get dressed, dear.", Mother replies, maintaining her cool, and leaving the room.

January 1st
9 pm

I get out of my bath, as the maids tighten my corset, I haven't missed how that feels. And arrange my gown over.

 I seize a seat, permitting them to doll up my hair, allowing my curls to neatly drop to my shoulders, and they position pearls neatly inside

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I seize a seat, permitting them to doll up my hair, allowing my curls to neatly drop to my shoulders, and they position pearls neatly inside. I look at Daisy, who is presently napping, then position my glasses, and look out the window, while they place my accessories on. The rain pours hard, causing enormous puddles. Everything is drenched and looks...

Before I could finish that thought. The maid taps on me and grants me a smile.

"I'm done, Your Majesty.", she says. She has blonde hair, and wrinkles that crease near her eyes as she smiles. I smile back at her. "Thank you.", I respond, steering out of the chamber.

"You look fabulous, darling.", mother says, to me with a smile. Mother's hair is in a neat bun, and she is modeling an off-the-shoulder red velvet dress. Allowing her lace sweater to hang off her arms. She looks remarkable, I take a breath in, then I smile at her, and respond.


Thank you

To Be Continued...

If you can tell, I didn't feel like writing an eventful wedding. Because it's pretty obvious none of them want to be there. But thanks for reading this chapter, stay tuned for the next. Goodbye, lovelies!!

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