15. Victoria & Nicholas

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"You came back for me.", I say, compelling tears I didn't precisely know where there to fall. Nicholas kisses my forehead.

Of course, I did.

We are back on the run. We'd been roaming for days and I was thirsty.

January 1st
3 pm

Stopping was an oversight.

"I'm thirsty.", I say, to Nicholas. "Ok, we can halt for water. But that's it.", he responds. I smile and he directs me into the store. I grab a water bottle and hand it over to the cashier.

Third Person Pov

"Is that Princess Victoria, and Prince Nicholas?", a man asks, his friend.

"I think so.", the other man replies. He waves off to a nearby patrol.

First Person Pov

I glance around and see the palace patrol, then examine Nicholas who is bagging groceries.

"Nicholas, we must go.", I say.

"What was that?", Nicholas responds, but it's excessively delinquent." You two are coming with us.", the palace patrol states. They put handcuffs on us, which latch around way too tight. I clenched my hands and sighed. Great! They place us in a carriage, uncuffing us, where we are brought back to the palace. My Palace. Home Sweet Home!

"Greetings dear. So good to see you again!", Mother says, greeting me, and opening her arms out for a hug. I clench when her arms touch mine. "Can't say the same Mother.", I responded bitterly. Mother rolls her eyes. "Sweetheart. My birthday is tomorrow. Now be considerate. And where are your glasses?.", Mother says, snapping her fingers as the guards assemble another pair of black rounded glasses. I put them on and roll my eyes.

"What is it now?", she asks, annoyed.

"The cause of my runway, yet to remain. I shall not marry. There is no way in hell, I will marry that man.", I respond. My mother looks at me confused.


Beloved, the man you were set to wed is standing directly beside you.

To Be Continued...

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