chapter 1

123 10 4

( job hunting )

beomgyu grabbed another flyer on his way which had a "vacancy for employee" on it and clutched on it. today was another tiring day for beomgyu to apply on numerous jobs because he desperately needed one to run away from his parents.

he wanted an escape but reality hit him like a train that he was penniless because his parents knew what he was up to so they stopped giving him money but that didn't stop the boy who went on job hunting everyday.

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sometimes beomgyu would come across a shady job or even some that were stated as high paying jobs but turned out to be one-nightstand jobs which beomgyu absolutely despised but some turned out to be just scams for him

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sometimes beomgyu would come across a shady job or even some that were stated as high paying jobs but turned out to be one-nightstand jobs which beomgyu absolutely despised but some turned out to be just scams for him.

he did several part time jobs together but that felt too much of a burden for him so he wanted to get a proper job while he was taking a semester off and that's when his eyes landed on a scrapped piece of paper.

it was another advertisement of job that looked very old. he tried to straighten it to read it since he was free as hell and his eyes widened as he read the whole paper

he couldn't believe his eyes and looked at the date which was issued five months ago, the boy contemplated hard "i have nothing to lose" and he dialled the given number in to apply for this shady looking job

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he couldn't believe his eyes and looked at the date which was issued five months ago, the boy contemplated hard "i have nothing to lose" and he dialled the given number in to apply for this shady looking job.

on the other line : hello?

beomgyu : uh hi! i'm beomgyu and i wanted to apply for the care taker job at mrs. kang...

on the other line : oh! please come tomorrow we'll like to
interview you asap.

beomgyu : ...okay

on the other line : you can give the interview after signing in with your name and the interview is at 10am


from what beomgyu read, it looked out to be a caretaker job at some ceo of a big company named under mrs. kang who wanted someone who can look after her two sons and one cousin while she was away and create a bond between them as siblings.

it was a perfect job for beomgyu since they provided him with a place to stay aswell as all the other facilities. it was like a free pass for the said boy who was on job hunt for almost a month.

he jumped high and clenched onto the paper "if this one turns out to be a scam too then i might aswell rob and commit arson" he looked in the direction of his house that was calm and silent but boy was he going to turn there?

he turned around heading for his apartment and decided to look up kang family, it turned out that the kang crop wasn't fake instead it was one of the well known companies and beomgyu's father was friends with them but there was no way beomgyu would tell all this to his parents especially after they left him out in cold air.

beomgyu at the time when his parents stopped giving him allowance because he was blindly spending on a walking stranger made them feel that their son might not end up as a great person and so started making him go through daily hardships of people who weren't as rich as their family.

but that didn't stop the boy's stubborn self and he bought a cheap underground apartment which reeked of roaches and damp ceiling. "for now this will do" beomgyu proudly said but ended up struggling with the conditions because he came from a wealthy family.

"i can't wait food tomorrow" he bought himself convenience store snacks after he saved up a bit from his part time jobs. he had a few suits laying around but he decided not to wear them for some reason. he assumed that the said two sons and cousins might be there so he could look friendly.

and then tomorrow actually came and he wore a beige shirt and cardigan along with light blue jeans to look as much friendly as possible.

"choi beomgyu?" mrs kang coldly said as she eyed on beomgyu. no details, no information of his educational background or even beomgyu's age was asked in the interview or as records.

beomgyu nodded "i need to ask you a few things...well first of all this job isn't as easy as you're assuming and i won't pay you if you decide to quit or runaway." he said looking through several papers.

"though you will be provided with a place food...ahh you're the son of mr.choi" she looked beomgyu with pressed lips and formed a smile.

"yes i'm mr.choi's son but ma'm can you please not tell father about this job?" she did have a questionable look on her face but beomgyu just explained her calmly "my parents put me on probation and i took a break from school in search of jobs so please"

she smiled again and handed over the papers to beomgyu which he was reading earlier. "okay boy, since i know you i also know how you handle things but my sons don't know you yet so it'll be a shock for them"

"shock?" beomgyu asked perplexed.

"haha nothing much!! just sign the papers and you'll be hired"

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