Chapter 2

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As I got dressed for Myles' house warming party, I couldn't help but think about Trevor. Mostly because my dresser was basically a shrine dedicated to him. There were pictures of him all over my mirror. So whenever I looked at my reflection to see how I looked, I saw his face.

It never bothered me before. And I didn't understand why it was getting under my skin now. It's not like I was going on a date. It was just a party. Though I wouldn't admit to myself how important it was for me to look good.

I wasn't sure if I wanted Myles to like me or if I wanted to like him. All I knew is that the thought scared me to death. Especially since I felt guilty for even thinking about liking Myles. In some weird way, I still felt like I was WITH Trevor. Though when I was talking to Myles, I'd forget about the pain in my heart that I had felt ever since Trevor had died.

I stood in the mirror watching my reflection. I was wearing a purple dress with black pumps. I had a simple necklace around my neck. It was the only diamonds I owned. My dad had bought them for me when Trevor asked me to his prom. I remember it being the best night of my life. We had-

I stopped thinking before my eyes could even think about watering. I grabbed my purse and went downstairs. Myles would be here any minute. My parents were sitting in the living room. They took one look at me then glanced at each other confusingly.

"I'm going to a house warming party." I explained.

My father's eyes almost popped out of his head as if I had just told him that I was pregnant.

"Fantastic." Mom beamed, "You look incredible. Doesn't she, dear?"

"My baby is always beautiful," dad smiled. "Do you need a ride?"

I shook my head just as the doorbell rang. I went to answer it and my parents followed behind me. Standing in front of me was Myles. He was wearing a black suit with a purple tie. His green eyes lit up just as a smile spread across his face, "You look absolutely amazing."

"Thanks." I smiled.

He tugged at his purple tie, "I see we're matching."

We both laughed. I could literally hear my parents breathing down my neck behind me.

"Oh hello," Myles said looking behind me. "I'm Myles."

He held out his hand and my dad reached around me and shook it.

"Nice to meet you," my dad said.

"The pleasure is all mine," Myles smiled. "I promise it's just a little party. I'll have her home by,"

"Oh take your time. Ellie has been through so," my mom started.

"Mom." I stated cutting her off, "We have to go."

I ran past Myles. He ran to catch up to me and opened the door to his car. I smiled before getting inside. He waved to my parents who were still standing at the door before running over to the driver side and climbing in.

"Ellie?" he giggled as he started the car.

"Just drive." I said trying to restrain a smile.


Myles was rich. That's not what he called it but that's what poor kids like me (who lived on the other side of town) called it. Myles lived in a beach house in Malibu. He wasn't happy about living in Malibu?

I found it hard to keep my jaw from dropping every time I saw something amazing. Myles walked up to me with a glass of what looked like wine. I took it. I've never had wine before. Everything about this party was fancy.

There was an ice sculptor in the middle of the room on a table filled with food. The people who surrounded us were wearing what looked like expensive dresses and suits. To be honest, I felt a little under dressed.

"Please, stop." Myles said, sipping his wine.

"Sorry," I said. "I've never had wine before."

"Me either," he smiled. "It's cranberry juice."

I laughed, "Well in that case."

I drank a little of the juice and Myles smiled at me. A man, holding the hand of Myles' little sister, started towards us. Knowing it was his dad; I sat the glass down on a table and started fixing my dress. Myles rolled his eyes, "Elease, you look beautiful. Stop."

"And who might this gorgeous young lady be?" Trevor's dad asked as he approached us.

"Dad, this is Elease with an E Samuels," Myles said. "Elease, this is my father Marcus Hughes."

"It's nice to meet you." I said with a smile.

"As well as you," Mr. Hughes said, "Elease with an E."

"You have a beautiful home." I smiled, "And a beautiful family."

The rest of the party went by kind of quickly. Myles and I danced. I even slow danced with Shane for a while before Myles pulled me away. I asked where he was taking me but he said not to worry.

He made me take off my shoes and he took off his. We ended up walking down the beach bare foot. We talked for what felt like hours before the wind started to blow. I rubbed my arms. It was getting really cold out.

Without a word, Myles took off his jacket and wrapped it around my shoulders. I smiled at him, "Thank you."

"No problem," he said, burying his hands inside of his pockets. "So your mom said you been through a lot. What'd she mean by that?"

"It's a long story." I said trying to dismiss the topic.

He looked at his watch, "We got time. I mean you don't have a curfew."

I sighed. I haven't thought about Trevor all night. This was unordinary. Usually I couldn't get him out of my head. But it felt nice to have fun and not think about it all the time. And right now I didn't want to be reminded about it.

When I didn't say anything, Myles smiled, "So did you have fun tonight?"

"Thank you for inviting me." I said, "I had a great time."

"Does this mean that there'll be a second date?" he asked slowly.

I stopped walking and my heart skipped a few beats. Date? This was a date? I was on a date!? I mean, it was really fun. Like the kind of fun you'd have on a date. And I liked Myles. And it was obvious that he liked me too. But did I want this to be a date.

"You didn't think this was a date," Myles realized. "Okay. My mistake. I miscommunicated. And I never did ask if you had a boyfriend. Do you?"

I couldn't speak. My throat closed and I couldn't get anything out. I bent forward and took a deep breath, letting the oxygen embrace my lungs.

Myles' hand landed on my back, "Hey, if the thought of dating me makes you sick then this is definitely not a date."

"Trevor," I whispered.

"So you do have a boyfriend?" he asked when I stood back up.

I bit my lip and looked up the beach. I couldn't look at Myles anymore. Tears had filled my eyes and I didn't want him to see it. I never told anybody about the events of that horrible night. Everybody knew what had happened but nobody knew the action of what had actually gone on before Trevor and I got into that car except my mother.

"I don't know what's wrong. But I want you to know I'm here. So I gonna grab your hand now. And we could just sit here in silence. Is that okay?" Myles asked from behind me.

When I didn't respond, he grabbed my hand and twined my fingers with his. He sat down in the sand and I let him pull me down with him. We sat there for an hour in complete silence. And he never let go of my hand. 

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