Chapter 13

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When Cyrus pulled up to my house to pick me up, Hanna's leg hung from the window as usual. For these two, the car was unusually quiet.

"How's the happy couple?" I asked, teasing them both.

"Couple?" Hanna asked, her head turning back to me, "We haven't gotten that far."

"Oh, you're definitely my girlfriend." Cyrus told her as he pulled off, "You can't just admit something like that then act surprised when people think we're a couple."

"And you can't just make me your girlfriend without asking me first." She shot back.

"Seems like everything's fine." I laughed, grateful that some things will always be the same. The whole way there, they bickered like little kids while I sat back finding it entertaining. It was clear how it'd end.

"Fine," Cyrus sighed as we walked up Myles' long driveway. "Hanna, will you be my girlfriend?"

"Sure." She said, happy for the win.

"You're so stubborn." He said, grabbing her hand. The victory expression left leaving her flustered.

"Welcome back kids," Mr. Hughes beamed as he let us inside, he looked at Hanna. "Myles is out back. He's finished a couple of burgers already."

"Say less." Hanna stated before heading that way, pulling a laughing Cyrus along with her.

"She makes it so obvious." I chuckled when Mr. Hughes laughed as well.

"Well, she can eat as much as she likes. You guys really came through for my son during a terrible time." He said, "I hear he did the same for you. I'm sorry for your loss."

"He came through for all of us," I admitted. "Cyrus and Hanna came to need his friendship just as much as me."

"That makes me happy to hear." He smiled, "You kids have fun tonight. If you need anything, don't be hesitant to,"

"Dad," Myles groaned, coming into the room. "What are you telling her?"

"Nothing." Mr. Hughes said waving, "I was just leaving."

"Yeah, sure." Myles said as he left the room, "Sorry about that, Elease."

"How come you never call me, Ellie?" I asked curiously. For a while now, I've noticed that he never uses my nickname.

He grabbed my hand while looking me in the eyes, then licked his lips, "Because I love your real name."

My heart skipped a beat. The amount of feelings Myles' made me experience were mostly new. I'd never felt it before. The urge to bury my face in his neck, or cuddle up beside him, or feeling like I can't breathe unless he's next to me. But the strongest one was that he'd say things to me that no one had ever told me before.

"Come on," He said. "Hanna will eat everything if we wait any longer. I've got Cyrus holding her back."

I chuckled softly, allowing him to lead me. The night was filled with laughter, an innocent round of truth or dare, and lots of food which Hanna happily ate most of.

By the end of it, she was hurled over too exhausted to walk. Cyrus peeled her off the sand and threw her over his shoulder before looking down at Myles.

"I'm assuming I'm leaving Ellie in you?" He asked.

Myles nodded, "I'll get her home safe."

"Take care of her," Cyrus said seriously before looking at me. "She's been through enough."

"I will." Myles promised.

When they were out of sight, I moved closer to Myles, positioning myself in front of him. He put his legs on either side of me, but this time promised nothing. I laid back into his chest as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Is this, okay?" He asked, his lips brushing my ear.

"It's always perfect." I let him know, "As long as it's you."

His embrace tightened, "You still make me feel weird.'

I laughed, "Are you ever going to tell me what that means exactly?"

"Maybe one day." He teased.

I tilted my head up, done fighting the urges inside. Myles looked down at me, his green eyes exploring every corner of my face, as he licked his lips. In that moment, We pressed our lips together, allowing the kiss we'd been fighting since meeting.

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