Eminence in shadow

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Utter dogshit

I sat through 3 episodes of his shit.

I will say, I definitely took it too seriously. But I do not care. He's so fucking bland. Hell, he's delusional.

I know it's a parody. But this ain't it chief. A parody is funny.

This isn't.

Cid kagenou is the most dull and uninteresting bastard I've ever seen since subaru.

But I would much rather watch rezero and suffer through subarus shit than suffer through cid kagenous shit.

Alexia said it best in episodes 3.

He has no redeeming qualities.

He's wanted to be an eminence in shadow since he was a kid. He is literally a child that never grew up. But he's the most infuriating bastard I've ever seen.

He was just born, already can sense magic. Bullshit. Utter bullshit. I'd honestly go one step further and say he's a Gary stu.

Now. Let's get to the intricacies.

So, fight with the army guy. Says striking with the L part of his bar is the most effective way to utilise it.


Strike with the pointy end. That will maim or kill and is far more effective in combat.

Slight thing, but not much. Then, theres the fact of him referring to everyone as characters. He just sounds like knob, it makes him sound delusional. And this is supposed to be funny?

I don't go to a psych ward and laugh at people.

But moving on, he wants to be stronger than a nuclear bomb. A nuclear bombs impact is hotter than the sun. And so he literally wants to be stronger than the sun by association. That's definitely a reach, i know. And i won't defend or push it any further. But it makes him sound all the more stupid.

Moving on, the elf girl alpha. Straight away, he notices her monstrous form is a result of a magical overload. Utter bullshit considering he would've had to have seen one, which apparently he has because he identified the wavelength. Yet its never mentioned who experienced it.

Then, he takes her, and experiments on her for a month before accidentally transforming her back.

He then spouts a bunch of bullshit and essentially gaslight her into believing that a cult worshipping the demon king did this to her, which sets her on a journey to deal with this cult essentially ruining any other life prospects for the moment.

I won't question the cult of diabolos because it isn't far fetched that the demon lord would have a cult trying to revive him. Honestly, it's a well known cliché.

But then, his sister is kidnapped and it was revealed that other people have been recruited. Doesn't elaborate on them, so I really can only assume they're orphans who were adopted and trained into child soldiers.

Bit of a stretch, I know. But they're very recognisable. If they belonged to any prominent families, someone would very easily notice. So its at least plausible.

Moving on, they raid a cult base where cid murders a grown man. The level of power of people in this world is absolutely poor by the way.

Moving onto episode 3. My favourite episode as its the last episode I had to watch.

Alexia, he had to confess to a beautiful girl due to a bet from his 'selected' friends. Yes, he selected them. Somewhat egocentric, but meh. Anyways, she ends up accepting due to arranged marriage shit.

And i don't have many issues with episode 3 because Alexia had redeeming qualities.

Unlike cid.

Anyway, that's my rant. I definitely took the show too seriously, but its not funny or interesting. Subaru, as insufferable as he is, has more character than cid.

So, see ya.

Edit: I forgot to mention how he died. So he was smashing his head against a rock like a crackhead, repeating the word magic over and over before running out into the street and getting hit by a truck.

Fucking moron.

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