SDS: Four knights of the apocalypse

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So, the sequel manga. Those are always great! Right?


Alright, so it's pretty shit. The four main characters don't get together until like chapter sixty or so, that's already fucking annoying.

But even more are annoying, are the quartet themselves.

First we have, percival. Percival is a sixteen year old with the mental maturity of a child, the intelligence too. But he has a pretty much do all magic that is powered by hope and can be molded into anything.

His grandad is dead, murdered by his dad. That's his whole driving force, because his dad is a holy Knight of Arthur pendragon who is suddenly evil despite showing no signs of this. Not to mention, he's just racist and only cares about humans.

Pretty funny considering Meliodas is the reason he's alive.

Onto, Lancelot. He's just a carbon copy of Ban but he isn't nearly as cool or interesting.

Thats all I have to say, he's kinda just a boring cunt.

Onto Tristan, the first nephilim (I call bullshit) he's a carbon copy of Elizabeth and an immense fanboy of her. He casually murdered a chaos boosted melascula.


But yeah, he's really fucking boring just like lancelot. Oh, forgot, lancelot is trying to get jericho, his teacher, back to his dad's kingdom.

Strangely enough, a scenario occurred where they found themselves in an alternate dimension for about three years.

And this is seven deadly sins so jericho falls in love with him.

At this point, he was between the ages of 10-13. Casual, when jericho would be in like her forties.

Not creepy at all. And as someone who can't draw, I can't say much about art, but jericho looks identical to gelda. That's kinda strange and immensely off putting.

But onto the last and most disappointing knight.


Gawain, is a woman and the niece of king Arthur. She also possesses sunshine.

She's a fucking sobbing mess after being beaten. Imagine escanor if he was a petulant child who couldn't accept a loss. A waste of fucking potential with the lot of them.

But onto the worst offender.


Merlin is the entire cause of the four knights. Because she resurrected Arthur with the leftover mana of the attack that destroyed the demon king.

Arthur then becomes the king of chaos after its revealed that Merlin at one point fell in love with meliodas, but figured that the endless drive for love and knowledge could be fulfilled by chaos who created the demon lord, the sacred deity and the sacred tree of the fairies.

Mind you, the sacred deity appeared once in the manga.


But back onto Merlin, this entire mess happened because she couldn't handle her own hole in her heart. Because she was too fucking oblivious to see escanor loved her.

I'll say it again, great mage my ass.

Anyway, I'll read the rest, and if I think it's worth it, I'll write another rant.

See ya.

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