character assassination

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This is a topic I didn't think I'd be talking about, because it's pretty well established that it's bad writing.

But it came to mind while I was reading a manga. It's called the strongest brave who craves revenge, extinguish with the power of darkness. Long ass title, I know. But its a very fucked up manga, redo of healer levels. And it's certainly a strange subject to talk about character Assassination.

But my issue is with one of the supporting characters.

You see, she's the goddess of love. She's entirely submissive to the MC, going to insane lengths for him. To the point where she ripped out her own heart just to revive him at his own demand. This is a pretty clear cut case of obsession and devotion.


Well you're fucking wrong.

Its been revealed in the later chapters that she manipulates all the heroes to reach a paradise of pleasure.

One small issue.

Sacrificing body part, organs and the like leads to permanent disfigurement. She was entirely whole at the start, this means that the MC is the only one she's done this for. As you can see, that doesn't sit right with me. Her obsession with Raoul, the MC, is clearly greater than any of the other Heroes before him.

But the author goes and takes it a step further.

We're shown a flashback of Raoul being tortured by the Princess, when the god of love possessed the Princess and used her body to rape raoul.

None of this was hinted at. Not the slightest. And as you boys can probably guess, this is an issue. The goddess of love has been completely submissive to the point where Raoul can actively throw her aside and she'll desperately try to get his attention by doing what he wants.

Its a very abusive relationship. But the author went and tipped the scales on this one.

Cause yes, Raoul has been through the grinder.

But that doesn't exactly justify him randomly having a flashback with no build up. It's poor writing. When it comes to stories like these, you don't focus on the writing really. But there's times where you as reader can clearly see something is contrived.

This is one of those times.

Now, what does he do to punish her?

Well you see, he's got a very stupid motto.

An eye for an eye.

Why is this stupid? It's because of one guy who pretended to be his friend. You see, his actions led to the vicious death and gang-rape of his sister.

Yet the man still needed justification to harm him? I think you see the issue, even if I disregard the continuation of the statement that is "and the whole world goes blind".

But back onto the goddess of loves punishment. Say it with me now!





Yeah. It's not surprising at this point cause of all the ways that he's murdered and tortured other people, but the issue is that this is pretty blatant character Assassination. If you had hinted at this, then fair enough. And he kinda did, as one of his targets of revenge was a girl called cristiana who at a very young age had been given an order to bring people to salvation.

This molded her entire personality and everything was for salvation. Even her own lustful desires, and she was so insane that upon being burnt at the stake as a witch, she didn't scream in pain, but instead seemed overjoyed. She's my favourite character purely because of how her mind works, because it's such a unique outlook.

But yeah, I stopped reading at the reveal of the goddess of loves punishment. I might read on, but such blatant character Assassination makes me not want to.

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