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Staying true to the character is a key part of writing.

Every action and reaction must be considered and wrote according to the character. And so today, I was so very upset.

I was reading a story, and the newest chapter was a non-canon omake. I don't mind them, in fact I enjoy writing them.

But this one just upset me. Now, I know what you might say, it's just a story, no reason to take it so seriously. But I truly love that story, its a long story, written incredibly well.

Yet one chapter, can alter your view. Being as vague as possible as to not throw shade, the chapter entailed a main character being coerced into anal sex in exchange for a magical item he had.

Issue there, he ends up doing it. Despite it going against his normal character.

The author tries to justify it saying he's a devil aligned with lust and greed, so to get one you offer the other. Ignoring the fact that this narrows his entire viewpoint down to lust or greed.

It reduces his character so much.

But worse yet, throughout the entire story, it's made clear he has zero romantic attraction to her and considers her a sister. Don't think I need to explain that part.

But the next two, God they frustrate me.

So, number one. Her mentor is someone he respects and considers a grandfather. He knows full well that he wouldn't approve.

Number two. He has learnt to think ahead. Previously, he ended up sleeping with a woman very spontaneously. He realised his mistake and learned to think ahead more.

Yet this non-canon omake goes directly against his entire character.

I get that its an omake. But when it's something of this level, you can very easily ruin your readers image of both the story and you.

It leaves a sour taste in my mouth.

Especially since a friend said that he might've been pandering to the horny readers. Frankly, that pisses me off.

I get adding shit in on a whim. Frankly, I do that alot because I usually don't plan shit out. I mostly write shit as I go. But to answer the whims of your readers is a no go for me. To alter your own story according to another person's view.

I don't like it.

I get when it's constructive criticism. But when it's, "Y/N should fuck his sister!". Nah. Not a chance in hell.

I don't even mind getting given story ideas. I find inspiration in many things.

But I won't add shit at the behest of horny readers. Only chance is if its a genuinely good idea.

Anyway, that pissed me off.

See ya

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