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I woke up with a groan, newt hadn't slept in here last night. Just me and lincoln.

It was upsetting, yes.
But we had an argument, so couples didn't talk to each other for a bit right?

Today we were getting a new greenie, I had been here for two months. The thought made me wanna vomit.

I walked downstairs, out to the kitchen.
"Hey fry." I smiled
"Morning tia" he smiled back, handing me and Lincoln's food.
I stalked away, sitting down at my usual table.

Newt didn't sit there today, which made me wanna cry. But that's how it was I guess, he just needed space.

The rest of the day waiting for the alarm to go off was boring, I had no one to talk to now.

And for some reason, I didn't have a job, I just did my own thing... which apparently the gladers didn't mind.

I was changing Lincoln's clothes when the alarm went off, he jumped before looking up at me worriedly. "There's a new friend coming, link!" I spoke excitedly, picking him up.

I walked as fast as I could to the box, standing next to gally, for some reason....

My eyes caught newts, before he looked away.
It sucked, it really did.

We all stood with anticipation, I never realized how long it took for the box to come up.

But of course, it did eventually come up.
Gally jumped down into the box, saying something to the greenie I couldn't hear.

I yelped when the greenie got thrown up,
Lincoln laughed.
"Gally. Be nice!" I hit the boys arm.
"What? I couldn't do that to you or Lincoln, I've been waiting awhile." He scoffed.

My eyes dragged to the greenie again, he jumped up, sprinting away from everyone.
"We got a runner!" Zart yelled, everyone cheered and yelled, i did find it a little funny too.

The boy was extremely fast, I'll give him that.
Until he face planted....
I gasped, putting my hand to my mouth.
That had to hurt.

I rushed over, the boy stood up, looking around the glade with a scared look on his face.
"Hey, are you okay?" I tried to look him in the eye, but he seemed to distracted by the glade.

"Hello, you okay?" I snapped my fingers infront of his face, finally getting him to look at me.
When he did, his brows furrowed.

"Yes, I'm a girl. Now, are you okay?" I raised my brows, "y-yea but, there's only boys here." He shook his head. "I know, I'm the queen." I rolled my eyes, at this point all the boys had gathered around.

"Why am I here?" He swallowed, "why can't i remember anything?" He sounded scared.

"It happens to us all, honey." I shook my head with pursed lips. He furrowed his brows at me again.

"Alright, everyone back to work!" Alby bellowed,
Everyone did as he said.

"I know someone you'd love." I wiggled my brows, "we'll get him later." Alby patted my shoulder.

"I'm alby, the leader of this place. we call this place the glade, we eat here, sleep here, grow our own crops." Alby led the greenie around, i followed. I had nothing better to do anyway....

"This is Tia, and Lincoln." Alby motioned to the boy in my hands, i smiled at the disheveled boy.

"I-is Lincoln your son?" His voice cracked, "of course" i winked.

He furrowed his brows again, before nodded.
He understood.

"Hey Alby." I heard the familiar voice of newt, i turned to see him smiling at our leader.
"This is Newt, he runs the place when I'm not around." Alby glanced at the greenie, then at Newt.
"Well it's a good thing your always around then, huh?" His smile was so bright, so, so beautiful.

But did he not care about our fight? Was it...
Over? No, it couldn't be.

I swallowed, feeling a pit in my stomach.
"Newt, find chuck for me?" Alby looked at the boy, who nodded before stalking off.

"He likes you." The greenie grinned,
"What?" I blinked, not sure what he meant.
"Newt, he likes you, he looks at you like he's... in love." The greenie furrowed his brows at the word.

"Well, we are dating." I sighed.
"Then why didn't he talk to you?" The greenie questioned, "well, let's just say we had a argument the other day." I looked up at the greenie.

"That's it! I knew he wasn't looking at you with just love, it was also guilt. He feels bad"
"Why would he feel bad? I started the fight."
I shook my head, "sometimes, people say things they don't mean, or he's got something else on his mind, you should talk to him." Is the greenie some kind of therapist or something? Because what the hell.

"I'll look into it..." i sighed, seeing the chuck was making his way over, "hey, you wanna watch him? I got things to do." I handed Lincoln over to the greenie, who didn't even get a chance to say anything, before I walked off— sorry, limped off.

Thomas' pov
I watched Tia walk off, noticing she had a limp, just like newt.... They were really meant to be huh?

I shook my head, snickering.
I then looked at Lincoln, he was so young, guessing by when Tia winked when she said he was her son, he wasn't. He had come up in the box thing like I did.

Back to Tias pov

It hadn't even been that long since I left the greenie, doing my hooten-nanny shit.

That's when I heard a yell, I glanced over to the noise, seeing the greenie walking over to the doors, oh no

Luckily, Lincoln wasn't with him, but with chuck, who struggled to carry the boy as he hurried over to the greenie, i followed in suit.

"Hey! What are ya doing?!" I rushed over to the greenie, who continued to go closer to the doors.
What is it with greenies going into the maze?

Before I made it all the way over to the boy, gally showed up, shoving the greenie, who flew about two feet away from where he once stood.

"What the hell? Why won't you tell me what's in there?! What's wrong with you guys?" The boy stood up, dusting himself off.

"Look, we're just tryna keep ya safe." Newt held a hand out, trying to calm the boy.

Soon enough, the greenie was thrown into the slammer, making me remember I had never gone into the slammer like I was supposed to, I think Lincoln saved me on that one, or they forgot....

I didn't stay for the bonfire, I was too stuck in my mind for that.... And they were boring, well actually, I wouldn't know, they didn't have one for me, for it's own reasons, and they didn't have one for Lincoln, I don't know why.

But besides that, I sat in my room, writing down my thoughts, I think it would be better then lashing out like I've done countless times....

I yawned, setting my pen down, before resting my head down on the table.

I hadn't noticed, but I feel asleep at my desk.

Okay, again short and a little boring, it happens, but don't fret! It always gets better;)

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