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Tias pov

I groaned as i struggled to move my body, i was so sore. I used everything I had in me to sit up, when I did I noticed i was in the medhut, well what was left of the medhut.

"Hello?" I called as i looked around at the broken roof, i heard the door swing open and in walked Jeff, when he saw me his face became worried,
"W-what's going on Jeff?" I swallowed as i got more worried, Jeff sat down at the end of my bed, taking a deep breath before looking at me.

"You've been out for about three days, when you were the doors didn't close one night. So, grievers came, they killed a lot of us. Clint, Alby, Zart. And after that Newt he..."

"Don't tell me. Please Jeff don't tell me he's gone." My voice shook and tears welled in my eyes, Jeff placed a hand on mine before continuing, "He couldn't stand to be here, he had lost you, then alby. I guess he just thought there was nothing left for him, so he went into the maze." Jeff sniffed as he nodded

I choked back my sobs, newt couldn't have, h-he killed himself.

I pushed Jeff away as i drug my aching body outside, my eyes scanned around at the burnt and broken buildings, i tried my best to move quickly towards the doors, my vision was blurring, my body shook as i tried to get air into my lunges, as soon as I made infront of the doors I dropped to my knees. I began to sob, I couldn't hold it in anymore, "newt!" I sobbed as i dug my nails into the ground, my boy was gone.

I gasped for air as someone grabbed my shoulders, pulling me into them. I turned around and wrapped my arms around them, i could feel it was Thomas.

I sobbed and sobbed into his chest, i never knew what heartbreak was like till today, i hadn't realized until now that i was in love with newt, and now I can't tell him.

"I-i loved him Thomas." I bawled
"I know, I know." Thomas spoke softly as he held me tight, i didn't know what I was going to do with myself, what was I gonna tell Lincoln?

"Where's Lincoln?" I licked my chapped lips, the salty tears entering my mouth.
"Right here mommy." I heard the young boy, i pulled away from Thomas to look at the boy, he was smiling. "I missed you mommy" Lincoln smiled brightly, i smiled through my tears before I pulled him into a hug, i held him tight as i let my tears fall silently.

"Where's daddy?" Lincoln spoke from my arms,
Oh no. I swallowed harshly, i looked at Thomas for some help, he shook his head before looking at Lincoln, "you'll see him one day buddy, you just gotta be patient." Thomas forced a smile on his face, Lincoln seemed to believe him. Making me send Thomas a grateful smile.

I stood up with Lincoln, i didn't really know what we were gonna do now, we couldn't stay here,
"Hey tia?" Thomas called from behind me.

"Yea?" I sniffed as i turned to look at him,
"We found a way out of here, we're leaving tomorrow." Thomas motioned towards the maze.

Newt was never gonna be able to get out the maze. My eyes watered again as i nodded weakly.

The rest of the day went by slow, everyone seemed to lose their glow.
I had a constant ache in my heart, I couldn't help but feel responsible for what happened to newt, we had that argument, I ran into the maze, almost died, everything that happened was linked to me.

I went into our room, laying on newts side of the bed, his scent filled my nose.
I held his pillow to my chest, I began to sob again, my head ached so much I thought it would explode, it was hard to breathe.

I didn't know what to do with myself, I just needed newt, to hold me and tell me everything would be alright.

That's when a knock on the door came, I glanced at the door, "come in." My voice was hoarse.
Jeff opened the door, he looked worried.

"Newt... before he left, gave me this. Told me to give it to you." He handed me a folded up paper,
"T-thank you." I looked up at Jeff, who nodded before leaving the room again.

I sat up, shakily unfolding the paper.

My girl,
I don't know when I'll see you again, I'm sorry I did this to you, I really am. I do hope to see you again, one day. And I want you to know I love you, I always have. Since the day you came up in the box, waving a knife around like you were all that, because you are. I don't want you to be sorry for the things you've said to me, you didn't mean them and I know that, you just wanted to get us all out of here, and you couldn't. Atleast we'll always have matching limps right?
I've always wondered what or where my home was, until I met you, you are my home tia.
And I will always, always love you.
Take care of Lincoln for me.
Love, Newt.

I had been sobbing the whole time, "oh, god." I ran my hands through my hair, my whole body was shaking. I didn't know what to do.

I re-read newts letter over and over, holding his pillow like it was the last thing I had of him.

My door opened, I turned to see Lincoln.
"Hey, honey" i smiled.
"Hi mommy" he smiled back, crawling onto the bed, laying himself into my chest.

I sniffed, holding him tightly.
"I love you, lincoln." I spoke hoarse.
"I love you too mommy." He moved closer to me.

Silent tears fell for the rest of the night, not wanted to disturb Lincoln.
I cried myself to sleep.

That was.... Something.
Okay but why was I getting a ache in my heart writing this, and I know what's gonna happen??
Anyway! Hope you guys enjoyed this.

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