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When I woke up, I was in my bed.
I don't know how, but I was grateful.
I got dressed, brushing through my hair before walking outside.

I stared at everything, before limping my way over to the greenie. "Hey greenie." I smiled,
"Thomas." He looked at me, "what?" I tilted my head, "my name, it's Thomas." He nodded with a grin, "oh, that's good you remembered." I nodded aswell.

"So, what are your plans today Thomas?" I rocked on my heels, "gardens." He mumbled,
I would see newt, okay.... Maybe we would talk.
"I'll come with, I have nothing better to do anyway." I pursed my lips, "okay." Thomas nodded.

We walked over to the gardens, i saw newt tying some vines to the poles, and oh were his arm muscles so, very prominent.... Hot.

I swallowed, grabbing some seeds to plant.
Newt was telling Thomas what to do, but I wasn't paying any mind to it....

"What if we sent someone in the box?"
Now that, I was paying mine to.
"Tried it, the box won't go back down with someone inside." Newt spoke, focusing on the vines he was tying.
"What if we climb the wall?" Thomas asked another question.

"Tried it, besides, where you gonna go from there?" Newt spoke, this made my heart hurt.
"What if-" Thomas tried to reason.
"No, we tried it, alright? Now, you wanna make yourself useful, go get some more fertilizer."
Newt huffed, throwing Thomas a shovel and bucket.

I knew Thomas wasn't gonna know where to go, so I stood up to go with him.
Thomas grumbled a few things, tripping over a piece of wood. I held back a laugh as he stalked away, me at toe.

"Nothing like getting fertilizer in the creepy woods right?" I smiled, raising the brows.
"Yea, totally." Thomas groaned,
"Hey, what's got your panties in a bunch? I didn't do nothing wrong." I furrowed my brows.

"No one will tell me what's out there." He pointed to the maze, "well, I've been in there once, that's how I got my limp, but I don't know exactly what's out there." I sighed, cracking my knuckles.

"How'd you get your limp out there? What happened?" Thomas questioned,
"When i first got here, I wanted to go in there, so I did. But then the walls began to close, as I was running back i-" a tree branch snapped from behind us.

We stopped in our tracks, turning around to see Ben. "H-hey, Ben right? I don't think we've me-"
Thomas stuck his hand out, but was cut off when Ben jumped on him, "you! This is your fault!" Ben growled, "get the hell off me!" Thomas yelled.

I panicked, what the hell was going on?
I searched around frantically, quickly grabbing a dead animal skull.

I swung it, hitting Ben in the side of the head.
He flew off Thomas, "Thomas, let's go." I breathed, yanking the boy up onto his feet.

We were deep in the deadheads, too deep.
Before we could even make it far enough away, I felt a yank of my hair, sending me to the ground.

I yelped, soon being met with a horrible looking Ben, "you helped them! You came to hurt us!"
He screamed, black ooze coming from his mouth. He was stung.

I furrowed my brows, my eyes going wide.
What the hell was he talking about?
He brought out a knife, holding it to my throat.

But before he could do anything, he was thrown off of me by Thomas. Who yanked me off the ground before we began running, deeper into the deadheads for some reason.....

Ben was trying to kill us, apparently we did something wrong, I'm not sure.

I strong force hit my back, causing me to fall down the hill me and Thomas were running down.

truth be told~ The maze runner Where stories live. Discover now