Chapter 2

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Luke's POV:

Now it was just me and her. God.
I stared into her eyes for who knows how long before getting up and moving towards the piano. she's alive. I'm dead. I'd never work out.
my thoughts were cut short by Ray walking into the studio to say goodmorning to Julie before stopping in his tracks.
"Luke? That's Luke?? Like Julies Luke???What's he doing here??" Ray spat out with clear shock in his voice.
that made me blush. Jules must talk about me. haha. wait. no. that's stupid she likes someone else.
"Uh yeah dad this is Luke, he and the guys came from Sweden to surprise me."
"oh that's sweet of them. where are the other boys though?" Ray asked
"Alex and Reggie have gone out sight seeing for the morning but im sure theyll be back later." i blurted out the first thing that came to mind.
"Well you boys will have to join us for dinner tonight, tell me, where are you staying whilst you're all visiting?" Ray asked.
"actually this all happened pretty fast so we don't really know-" I continued.
"We'll youre more than welcome to stay here, you can stay in the guest room or if you'd like you can stay in here, the couch folds out to a bed and we have some blow up mattresses." Ray blabbered on as if we didnt already know that.
"Okay thanks dad you should go inside, I'll let you know when the other guys get back!" Julie said, whilst ushering her dad out the doors.

"Okay what the hell is going on." I mumbled.
"I have no idea but we need to get the guys back here, now." Julie added.
"And how exactly do you supposed we do that?" I snickered.
"Well I can get my dad to take me to the beach, see if they're there?" Julie said with a sliver of hope.
"And I can poof to the walk of fame and try some other places." I said, trying to help.

Julie left the room but I didn't want to leave yet. After Julie and Ray had left I went into the house and up to Julies room, i know she said we aren't allowed in there under any circumstances but it was the only place I could feel truly calm.
I haven't been able to stop thinking about what's in her dream box since that day she told us not to touch it. Man her eyes when I asked her where the kitchen is. shes so perfect. No. Luke. Stop it. Youre dead. I think.

well, curiosity killed the cat and I stepped onto the stool so that I would be at eye level, looking directly at her dream box. I reached for the lid before reciprocating and thinking,
"she's gonna kill me", but eventually, I couldn't handle it anymore so I lifted the lid, the last time I had opened this box was when we wrote "flying solo" for Flynn, I had noticed that there was a new piece of paper in there, folded neatly with another that I planned to open after, I opened the paper to see lyrics, beautiful lyrics. written by her, it was a song called "Perfect Harmony", my eyes began scanning the words on the page.

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