Chapter 4

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Alex's POV:

I could see Julie and Luke getting closer and closer, and im so happy for them, but it makes me think of Willie every time I see them hugging and the way they look at eachother. I miss him so much.
"Hey, guys. I'm gonna go for another walk I'll be back later." I said as I poofed out of the studio and to the museum doors, and there I was, standing out the place Willie and I cherish so much. I walked into the museum and a flood of memories came rushing back. I miss him so much.
I started walking around the museum to the spot me and Willie always sit at, but he wasn't there. maybe he was skating around the walk of fame, im sure he's fine..

I poofed out of the museum and onto the walk of fame, where once again, a flood of memories came rushing back. from when we first met. I walked up and down the walk of fame for hours but yet again, no Willlie. im not sure how but next thing I knew I was back in the studio looking at my bandmates and Flynn?
"oh hey guys whys Flynn here?" I asked.
"Flynn CAN SEE US." Luke yelled out.
"wait- what?? more people can see us?" I said with clear shock in my voice.
"Yeah I can! it's so cool to be honest." Flynn replied.
"woah." I stammered.
Flynn continued explaining the gig she booked us for next week at the school.

Reggie's POV:

Flynn was so pretty. but she'd never date me. im dead.
"anyway guys, I set up a gig for the spirit rally next friday!" Flynn said with jazz hands.
"another school dance? really Flynn?" Luke said disappointed.
"Luke, be glad we have a gig at all. besides it'll be 10 times better, people can see you now so you can soak in the applause now!" Jules yelled.
"Wait- since people can see us now does that mean we have to go to school?" I said unhappily.
"unfortunately, Reggie. on Monday we'll go in and register you guys, we'll put you in our year so we have similar classes, and we'll have you all start the week after the spirit rally." Julie replied.
"ughhhh." the boys and I yelled in unison.
"cmon guys you'll get to have a peak at my life beyond the bandd." Julie spoke in a sing song voice.
"ugh fine." I said unwilling to go back to highschool.

Alex's POV:

I'd do anything to not go back to highschool. that was quite possibly the worst time of my life (other than dying), after I got outed everyone bullied the shit out of me for being gay. the 1990s wasn't the best time for gay people. I know it's better now but I'm still scared.

Luke's POV:

"I personally would love to take a peak into Jules life without us, it's probably hella boring" I smiled, a chuckle following his words.
"I don't know what you mean Luky, I have Flynn to entertain me all day, I'm livin' the dream" Julie chuckled back. Luky. the cringiest but also best name ever. it gave me butterflies.
"That's right Luky" Reggie mimicked Jules. it was kinda funny not gonna lie.

"Well- anyway, who else knows about us playing Flynn?" Julie asked, changing the subject of creating her nickname for me.
"whoevers seen my post on insta" Flynn answered with her usual smile.
Carlos walked into the room with his usual smuggness of a 10 year old,
"boy band meeting?" he asked.
"who you callin' boy band?" I asked him with a smile.
"funny guy you are, you're lucky to be dating him Jules-" he smirked
"UHM. NO. WERE NOT DATING GO AWAY." Julie and i yelled in unison, we were both blushing clearly, I knew she could tell because she gave me that look she always gives me whenever someone says something like that. Carlos left the studio running in fear Jules and I would run after him. We went inside for, yet another awkward dinner which Flynn joined us for and Jules and I went up to her room after "KEEP THE DOOR OPEN" - Ray Molina, 2020. we both found that really funny.
"Soo Jules, why'd you bring me up here I thought your room was off limits to all ghosts." I said smugly.
"we never get anytime to write songs together with all of them staring at us anymore." Julie said with a smile.
"anyway I wanted to tell you something." Julie said, hiding her face.
"yeah? and what's that?" I said with my usual smirk.
"Well I uh- I think i- kind of maybe- uhm- like- like you?" she stammered iver her words from how fast she spoke.
"oh- Well, uhm-" I tried telling her how I felt but she cut me off,
"if you don't like me back that's like totally fine, we never have to speak of this again." she said once again, hiding her face.
"No, Jules, I like you too." I spat it out. it felt so good to finally say it, it felt as if a weight had been lifted off my shoulders.
"wait- you do?" she asked, all shocked as if it wasn't totally obvious.
"Yeah. I really really like you, Jules." I said, now I was hiding my face.
she got up and looked at me, I looked back, and once again, as if we were playing together, we stared into eachothers eyes. I dont know how long we did, but it felt like an eternity. after God knows how long she looked away and started blushing, it was cute, but she clearly didn't think that. I got up and walked over to her and i grabbed her hand forcing her to look at me, I cupped her stupid cute face in my hands and pulled her in for another kiss, but this time it felt different, it felt great, I pulled away after like 15 seconds and hugged her around the waist.

after probably about a minute we both sat down on the bed and she finally spoke up, breaking the silence.
"so.. what are we?" she spoke softly.
"I don't know, all I do know is that I want to be your boyfriend." I answered.
"and I want to be your girlfriend." she said softly.
"soo. are we dating?" I asked her
"I guess so." she said, a light chuckle following her words.
"can we, maybe keep this on the down-low? I know you know the guys would bullying the shit out of us if they knew we're officially dating." I laughed.
"Yeah, no they would of course we can." Julie chuckled.

meanwhile, downstairs

"what do you think Luke and Jules are talking about?" Reggie asked.
"they're probably like all over eachother or something" Flynn whispered to Reggie.
"they probably are" Alex chuckled.

No ones POV:

Later on Julie and Luke came back downstairs to bring the boys into the studio to practice for the gig next week.
"c'mon guys, quick band prac?" Luke yelled at the boys. They all made their way out to the studio, Alex and Reggie whispering the whole way.

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