Chapter 3

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Lukes POV:

I let go of Julies hand the moment i saw the guys. theyd flip if they saw us holding hands.

"YOOO WERE YOU JUST HOLDING HANDS??????" Reggie yelled out. shit. they definetly saw.
"uhm. maybe?" i replied, not knowing what else to say. "BRO YOU DEFINITELY WERE." He continued yelling. "well unfortuantely for you Reggie, we have to start getting ready for dinner with Ray." I said, climbing up the loft stairs to find some atleast half-decent clothes. "I'm gonna head up to my room and start getting ready, have fun Luke" Julie smiled with a slight chuckle. she knew i was about to get hardcore bullied by the guys now.

Julies POV:

i walked into the house, immidiately greeted by my dad, "are the boys back yet?" He said intentively. "yes, theyre gettign ready in the garage." I added, thinking about how thr guys reacted to me and luke. "Okay, well in about 10-20 minutes go out and grab them please." Ray added. After about 10 minutes i finally decided on a white shirt under a light blue dress. i went out the studio and knocked on the door to see if the guys were ready, Luke immidiately ran and opened the doors and stared directly at me with his jaw dropped. "Hey.. are you guys ready?" I asked quietly. "Oh, uhm, yeah. Jules.. you look. amazing." Luke stuttered. i thought it was cute. clearly he didnt because he immidiately looked away and gestured for the guys to come. We made our way to the front door, i could tell Reggie was excited, i couldnt say the same for Luke, he looked really nervous.

We walked into the dining area where my dad and Carlos were standing in the kitchen,
"Hey dad.. this is Alex, Reggie and well you already know Luke." I said, pointing at each of the guys.
"Hi Mr Molina!" Reggie said excitedly. "Hey, you can all me Ray." Ray said with a soft smile. "Hey dad can i talk to you over here for a second?" i asked my dad through gritted teeth.
"Yeah of course Sweetie." Ray said quickly before making his way into the lounge room where Julie was standing. "Whats up Jules?" Ray asked. "please. please do not embarrass me infront of the guys." i said quietly. "Yeah no problem, do you have a crush on one of the guys or something?" Ray added with that dad laugh (you know what i mean). "DAD. STOP." i shouted as i walked back to the dining area. My dad followed me laughing his ass off. "what was that about?" Luke whispered in my ear. "oh dont owrry about it." i chuckled.

"Dinners ready!! everybody sit at the table." Ray said in a sing song voice. The boys and I sat around the table, i was closest to my dad, Reggie opposite me, Alex next t Reggie, Luke next to me, and Dad and Carlos sitting on opposite ends.
"So, howd you guys meet?" Carlos asked. "Oh uhh we met online and well yeah here we are." Luke said with a slight chuckle at the end.
"We have to set some ground rules for while youre staying here, if the boys are in your room the door has to stay pen, especially you Luke-' Ray said assertively. "dad stop. whats that supposed to mean." I said embarrassingly. I could see luke hiding his face, as was i, that was embarrassing. "anyway, how long are you guys planning on staying?" Ray added, trying to change the subject.
"Well, actually, the guys and i were thinking of moving back to Hollywood." Luke replied, keeping the conversation going. "Oh thats nice, where will you be staying?" Ray asked inquisitively. "oh actually dad, i was wondering if the guys could sty here? in the studio maybe?" I asked hopeful of his answer. "Well i guess that would be okay, just No hanky panky." Ray said eyeing Luke. "dad. stop." I shouted. randomly I could feel a warm presence touching my knee, i look down to see a ringed up hand holding on to me know, Luke. I let .y hand rest on his and i could see Luke look down and smile. i love him so much. after i said that i heard the doorbell. i had to move my hand but I really dont want to.
"Saved by the bell." i said as i got up to check the door. "Nick?" i said. Why was Nick here. i looked back and i saw Luke eyeing Nick. Great. I walked out and shut the door so he couldnt spy on us. Nick handed me a bouquet of floers, theyre no dahlias but theyre alright. "Thanks Nick, theyre beautiful." I said, i just wanted him to leave. "Hello Julie, I was wondering if you would like to go on a date with me?" Nick creepily said.
"Uhm, Nick, i already told you this, i dont like you like that, i said that like a week ago." i said.
"Oh right my bad, So sorry, Have a good night Julie.' Nick replied walking off. That was so weird, how could Nick forget something i told if literally a week ago, that didnt seem like Nick at all. I walked back inside putting the flowers on the bench, "What was that about? Whos the flowers from?" Reggie asked. "It was just Nick. Ugh." i said, i hated the thought of that.
"oh what'd he want?" Luke asked, i knew he hated the idea of Nick being here.
"We can talk about it later." I said, eating more food.
Later on me and the guys went out to the studio to practice for a gig Flynn surprised us with at the school.
"Soo.. Julie, what'd Nick want?" Luke asked with clear jealousy in his voice.
"He asked me out." I continued on. "I said no, but he seemed off." I could see Luke get jealous over the fact another guy brought me flowers.
"Luke no need to get jealous I don't have feelings for Nick, not anymore. I met another guy. a much better guy." I said followed by a soft laugh from Reggie and Alex.
"Uh. I don't know what you mean im not jealous???" Luke immediately said back with a slight smirk plastered on his face.
"Well, regardless, I just had an off feeling about him, he was speaking weirdly and he forgot something I told him just last week, that's not like him." I said. somethings wrong.

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