Chapter 8

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Luke's POV:

"Soo, Luke? Jules? Anyone feel like explaining what happened, and why it looks like someone bashed Julie in the throat?" Flynn smirked.                                                                                                      "um nope" Julie laughed. She looked so cute when she laughed. Shut up Luke. Focus.           
"Hm. OK. Luke?" Flynn continued. Before the guys could protest i grabbed julie and ran out of the studio, moments after i heard a cluster of feet following us, and before we knew it i had Reg on my back holding on for dear life. 

"REGINALD PETERS GET OFF ME RIGHT NOW." I screamed at him, followed by a soft whimper because i called him his full name. He hopped off me as if nothing had happened.                 
"Thank you." I nodded.

Julies POV:

"Well excuse me, but if i dont wish to have my dear father whooping me in the ass i gotta go cover this up.." I say, gesturing at Luke and I's little... mishap. I begin walking back up to the house before stopping,
"OH GUYS BY THE WAY DONT FORGET, WE HAVE SCHOOL TOMORROWWW" I quickly ran into the house and into my room before they had time to protest. 

I walk into my room, sitting on my bed with my makeup bag, playing around with my color correcter and concealer, seeing whatll cover up the hickey. After about 20 minutes i finally found a combo that covers it up fully, then i hear a knock at the door and in comes Flynn. 
"Hey Flynn, is everything alright?" I asked her.                                                        "Yeah im perfect, but how about you? Seems it got pretty steamy last nighttt hmmmm????" She drags out the last word with a smirk.
"mmm get losttt" I chuckle, "I'm gonna get changed and I'll meet you all in the studio for a band practice?"
"alright madame" Flynn laughed.

I make my way into the studio to see the usual, Reg *attempting* to fight Luke while he's giving Reg a noogie.
"ALRIGHT BOYS. PLAYTIMES OVER. mama needs her eye candy~" Flynn chuckled, "oh wait I actually had to say something!!"
"What's uppp???" I asked intentively.
"Sooo I booked you guys a really cool gig!!" She replied.
"NO WAY. WHERE?" Reg yelled out.
"It's at a festival next Saturday!" Flynn squealed.
"NO FREAKING WAY" We all yelled in unison.
"I'm the best, i know," Flynn said, pushing her hair behind her ears with a smirk.
"All right thenn that means we DEFINITELY need this band prac, so what songs do we wanna doo???" I yapped.
"Well it's a 25-minute set, so what if you do all 5 original songs, 1 new song, and then 1 Sunset Curve original?" Flynn suggested.
"O-m-g i love that idea!" Alex squealed.
"Same!" Luke, Reg and I all said together.
"all rightt then it's all set!" Flynn yelled.
"Let's get to practice" Luke says, walking towards his guitar. We all nodded in agreement, Flynn taking a seat on the couch to watch us practice.

Luke's POV:

After practice ended, I made my way up to Julies room with my song book to talk about potential songs for the festival.
"Hey Juless" I said, opening her door.
"Hello there, what's up luky?" she laughed.
"Well i was thinking we could go over songs for the festival?" I said as i walked over to her bed.
"God yes I had an idea for a song, and I think you might like it!" She said all excited.
"OOo do tell~" I said, tryna be trendy or whatever Jules calls it.
"Okay well first of all, never say that again, it doesn't sound right coming out of your mouth, and second, I was thinking maybe Perfect Harmony? If your comfortable with it? We could change it up a bit to add some background vocals to add the guys in because i didn't write it with back vocals and it was kinda just the 2 of us singing it in my head but i think if we change it, it might work?" She spoke so fast that she started to stumble over her words. It was so cute omgg.
"Okay well first of all, ouch," I said with a pout, "and second, I think thats a great idea, and I reckon we could change it up a bit if that's what you wanna doo" I laughed.
"Okay then it's settled, well have a band meeting tomorrow AFTER school because y'all are coming with me remember?" Juled smirked.
"ughh don't remind me" I poutted.

I removed one of my 3 bracelets off my wrist and added it to Julies collection of bracelets on her wrists.
"What's that for?" she asked looking at me.
"a gift, for the girl I love." I said, looking away. I watched Julie remove one of her many bracelets and put it onto my wrist.
"Well what's that for?" I ask, mimicking her.
"a gift, for the boy I love." she laughed.
We both fell back on her bed, just lying there for a moment.
I never want to leave.

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