Chapter 7

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Alex's POV:

"soo Willie whatcha wanna doo??" I asked proudly with a smirk.
"welll I was thinking I could give ya some skating lessons!" Willie looked at me with a large smirk on his stupid cute stupid face.
"WHAT?? no. no hell no. I CANNOT skate." I yelled out.
"HAHAHHAHA ITS OKAYYY I'll teach youuu" he smiled. He looks so cute when he smiles.

Many, Many, Many falls later, I decided to call it a day because theres no way in hell I'm learning to skate.
"I'm gonna go back home, gotta go to band practice because we have a gig coming up.." I didn't really want to leave but I had to. "OMG DO YOU WANT TO COME???" I blurted out. WHY DID I SAY THAT. ALEX YOURE AN IDIOT.
"Really?? Y-Youd want me there?" Willie stuttered.
"Of course I do. I love you after all." I blushed.
"Well I love you more so I'll be there." he smiled softly.

We hugged goodbye and i poofed back to the studio to see Flynn on her phone with Reg peering over her back and Luke amd Julie nowhere to be found.
"Hey, where's Luke and jules?" I asked, looking around hoping to see them.
"umm I think they went up to Julies room but I don't know, sorry dude" Reg replied.
"okay, all good ill go see if theyre up there.." i said back.
"OH OH IF JULIES UP THERE TELL HER TO COME DOWN HERE I HAVE TEA TO SPILL!!" Flynn yelled out as i walked out of the studio. Tea? i have no idea what she means but ight.

I walk into the house to see Carlos on the couch watching his um. i actually dont know what that is. oh well.
"Hey carlos" i said as i walked past him up the stairs.
i knocked on Julies bedroom door, waiting to be let in.
"Come in!!" i hear julie squeak from the room.
I walk in to be met with Julie and Luke sitting on Julies bed talking.
"Oh hey alex whats up?" Luke asked.
"oh nothing just looking for yous, OH and before i forget Flynn asked me to tell julie that she has some "tea to spill", whatever that means" i tell julie as she runs out of the room.
"Modern day slang is so weird sometimes." i say quietly to my bandmate.
"honestly dude" luke says, agreeing with me.

Julies POV:

"FLYNN. SPILL." I yelled out to Flynn as I walk into the studio.
"OKAY SO-" Flynn begins to ramble, "Turns out that Nick and Carrie are back together, but no one knows why because we were all pretty sure Nick was finally done with Carrie's shit but turns out he's not? but he's been acting hella strange around her, you know like saying weird words like evening, and saying full sentences instead of abbreviating them as if he's from the 1800s or something." Flynn finishes.
Reg and I both give eachother a look.
"oh- i- um- WHAT? that's so weird what the heck???" I stutter.

I leave the studio so I can walk back up to my room and see Alex and Luke chilling on my bed, I give Alex a look that says get out and he does exactly that
I plop down on my bed right next to Luke and just stare at him.
"Take a picture, it'll last longer." Luke chuckles at my red face.
"oops" I look away.
He lifts my head up and leans in for a kiss, and I lean in too. he smashes his lips onto mine as if no one else was anywhere. We kissed for a good 30 seconds, chills running up my spine as he runs his tongue against my bottom lip, I pause the kiss for a moment to stare at him.
God. he's so perfect. his eyes his nose his lips his face. every aspect of him is perfect. I rest my head on his chest and before I knew it I was passed out.

Luke's POV:

I look down at the girl sleeping soundly on my chest and wonder, what did I ever do to deserve an incredible girl like her.
I start to play with her hair, twirling her curls with my fingers, making sure I'm careful as to not wake her up. I look down on my shirt to see she had been drooling in the past 2 hours she had been asleep and chuckle. I gotta change. I get up and try not to wake her and grab a shirt out of my bag and change right there.
I lift my shirt off up over my head and look at the girl staring directly back at me.
I had no shirt on.
She stood up as I began to put another shirt back on and stopped me, pulling me back onto the bed, with still, no shirt on.
she pulls the cover over us and lays down next to me.

Julies POV:

I stare at looks abs for a hot minute or 2, but hey? who's counting anyway.
He looks directly into my eyes and pulls me in for another kiss, pulling me close with his muscular arms. I felt so safe with him. I felt as if no one could ever hurt me, as long as I'm with Luke.

I begin to climb on top of luke, laying down on his stomach with my legs wrapped around him, kissing him long and deep.
before I knew it he started trailing kisses down my face, leading down to my neck,  kissing every inch of my neck. you name a spot,  he kissed it.
He started trailing the kisses back up towards my lips, going back to what we were doing before.
I felt his tongue in my mouth, skimming my lower lip, giving me chills.

I moved back to laying next to him with my face on his chest falling back to sleep.

I wake up the next morning to a shock. I felt breathing beneath me.
I lifted my head to see Luke fast asleep, I let my hand rest on his heart and my eyes widen.
"oh my god." I say.
"huh-" Luke said in a cute sleepy voice.
"Luke. You have a heart beat." I say to him.
"I WHAT??" He yells out, I put my hand over his mouth because it's still pretty early and my dad was most likely still asleep.
"Yeah," I chuckle, "come on let's go tell the guys!"

We walk down stairs and out to the studio, opening the doors to 2 wide eyed boys.
"Hey Luke why'd you not come ba-" Reggie's words were cut short by a shirtless Luke, "ohhh I see why~"
I look at Luke and realise we completely forgot he was shirtless. oops.
"NEVERMIND THAT REG. WE HAVE IMPORTANT STUFF TO SAY!!!!" I yelled out to the silly boy.
"so, I woke up this morning and heard someone breathing, and No it wasn't me, i looked at Luke and I put my hand on his heart and felt a heartbeat." I rushed over the words.
"HUH!!!!", Alex and Reg yelled, "BUT WERE NOT ALIVE??????"
"Yeah I thought that too, but, you know what, Reg come here", Reg walks over and Luke puts his hand over Reggie's heart, "Oh my god. REG YOU HSVE ONE TOO, ALEX COME HERE" Luke feels his hesrt aswell and sure enough, "OH MY GODDDDDD" the three boys start jumping around at their sudden new life? I guess?
"wait so what does this mea-" I start, before I hear Flynn behind me.
"hey girl!! Luke put some clothes on for goodness sake. Hey Juless-" Flynns eyes widen as she's staring at me, "Jules. is that a Hickey I see."
all the boys including Luke look at my neck, exactly where Luke was kissing last night in shock, Luke looks at me with a smirk.
"oops" he said quietly.
oh shit.

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