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"Makayla Malfoy," the wrinkled professor shouted as she read my name off of the rolled scroll. I looked in both corners of my eyes, seeing everyone looking at me before I stepped up to the lady holding the old, beat up hat.

I sat in the chair as she set the hat on my head. The hat then began to speak. "Ah! Another Malfoy! This selection shouldn't be hard then." It took a moment to think, with random 'Hmm's and 'Ah's to break the awkward silence. "You definitely have the Malfoy touch on you. Though, I sense something different in you. Meh, who cares! Slytherin!"

I smiled as everyone clapped for me and walked to the Slytherin table. I wasn't shocked when I saw my brother, Kai, unamused with the fact that he as well got Slytherin. He was so much of a goody two shoes, it became unbearable.

"Someone isn't very happy to be at Hogwarts today," I said, teasing him.

"Fuck you, Makayla," he scowled.

"Woah there! No need to curse!" I chuckled and then held myself up with my elbows crossed on the table. "Now, what's wrong?"

As unbearable as he was, he was still my brother. I still cared about him. It was a priority at that point, being the eldest.

"Nothing, I just don't wanna be stuck in Slytherin house with you fucks."

Sitting around us, sat the rest of Slytherin house. It was dreadful that out of all our siblings that we had, Kai was the only one other than me that actually got it. Chase and Kirsten got totally opposite houses. We, of course, had other siblings, they just weren't old enough for Hogwarts yet. Like Draco, he comes next year.

"Oh, come on, Kai! We can't be that bad."

"Oh you can, and are."

I pouted my lip, "Well that's rude."

"I didn't ask, nor do I care."

As I rolled my eyes, I thought, no wonder he got Slytherin.

"Louis Lupin!" Professor McGonagall shouted.

I focused my hearing on the hat, waiting to hear if I was stuck with the destined Hufflepuff for the next seven years, or if I was going to only have to tolerate him two thirds of the time.

"Slytherin!" The hat shouted.

I inaudibly groaned, laying my head on the table.

"SLYTHERIN?" Louis unexpectedly shouted, almost causing me to jump.

"Mr. Lupin, please go sit down with the rest of your house," the professor shouted once again.

Louis dramatically sobbed on his way to the table. Everyone was staring at him, except me. I was staring at the floor, holding my head up by my forehead on the edge of the table. He sat down before letting out the most bloodcurdling, and annoying groan I had ever heard.

"God, would you just shut up," I covered my ears, just waiting for the feast to start.

"That's rich coming from you, Makayla," Kai said. I could hear his smirk.

I lifted my head up from the edge of the table and looked at him, an annoyed expression taking up the vacancy in my face.

He chuckled as he continued his remarks. "All you ever do is talk! I'm surprised you were silent for as long as you were before Louis came!"

I ignored him, setting my head back in its original spot, and resting my eyes, just listening to the other houses snicker and talk as the remaining students got sorted.

Cᴀsᴛʟᴇs Cʀᴜᴍʙʟɪɴɢ (𝗠𝗮𝗹𝗲 𝗢𝗖 𝘅 𝗙𝗲𝗺 𝗢𝗖)Where stories live. Discover now