Chapter 1

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"C'mon, Draco, head on in," mother states, gesturing to the third column platform eight and platform nine. Draco, my youngest brother, turned eleven last month. Which means, he is going to Hogwarts this year. Last year was an okay year, I made friends with Jordyn Riddle. She was one of the only reasons that the year was fun. Regardless of Chase being in a different house than I, she and I still wreaked chaos upon the school.

Draco smirks cockily before he rolls his cart with his trunk and school supplies into the wall, going straight through to the other side, being platform nine and three quarters. I roll my eyes, before grabbing my cart as mother gestures to me, then run straight through to nine and three quarters, Chase, Kai, and Kirsten following shortly after me.

There were many things I was and wasn't excited about in this upcoming school year. One of those not-so-exciting things being to have to try and bear the unbearable Louis Lupin. It is probably not going to be a successful journey. Last year was already hard enough.

The train's horn blared as the other students rushed on it to get the best seats. Jordyn and I were the most fortunate, getting a room, rather than a table in the main car. The only thing that we have to worry about is that one of Louis' triplets, Annelise, has to sit with us. We fortunately had a bit of sugar before getting on the train, so we let her stay.

"You're Louis' sister, correct?" I ask her. She silently nods in response. She's scared of us... Ha! "Oh, you aren't anything like him, are you?" She shakes her head again, also silent. I smile, now knowing I won't have to be tortured twice the amount of time that I would if it were just Louis being annoying, which it is.

There are many other things that we could be talking about right now, but all Jordyn seems to want to talk about is boys. I get that we're like, into boys, but who would like a boy at Hogwarts. Like, has she seen them...? Well, probably not. Wouldn't be surprised. She fell for about twenty boys at school last year, in the same month. She can be predictable, sometimes. By sometimes, I mean the fact that she came to Transfiguration class mildly high on whatever the Weasleys were giving that poor child. I don't know why she would've taken their horse shit, but hey, it's her funeral.

"Did you see the way he looked at me before we got on the train?" Jordyn asks enthusiastically.

I roll my eyes at her. "No, I didn't. And your boy cravings are the least of my concern when the new kids haven't even been sorted yet."

"You're such a buzzkill!"

"Wanna talk about something interesting? Today's Harry Potter's birthday! Eleventh birthday. People are saying that he's on this train right now."

I wasn't surprised when I heard Jordyn gasp as dramatically as she could. "Really? Do you think we can meet him!"

"No! We aren't going to talk to a Potter! That half-blood can piss off for the good of what we care!"

"But, Makayla. He's famous. That means that if we talk to him, and befriend him, we'll be famous too!"

I am considering it. Do I want to? No. Can I help it though? I'm not sure what I can help.

Finally, Silent Ann speaks. "Technically, we could just befriend one of his ... non-weird ... friends... And then, we will be able to talk to Harry a bit, and we will basically be famous because he knows us."

I smile at her bright idea. "You're smart, Lupin."

She smiles in return, talking quietly. "Thank you..."

I nod as I feel the train come to a halt. When I peek out the window, I see the Hogwarts station. We made it to Hogwarts!

"Ah, finally!" I smirk as I grab my bags.

Author's Note: I'm trying to make these chapters as long as I can, but I only have so much to work with, since this is just my storyline idea because I haven't shifted at all yet. So, please bare with me.

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