Chapter 2

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The one thing I am not excited about for this school year at Hogwarts is dealing with Makayla for a whole 'nother year. She was a nightmare last year, let me tell you. I couldn't speak without her acting like I had screamed the most blood curling scream I'd ever let out in my lifetime.

Another bad thing about this year is that her brother, Draco, is coming this year. From what I've heard, he's more of a brat than Makayla is, which is surprising, given how much I've seen from her last year.

I walk off the train with the stampede of students. When I look to the right, I see my sister, Ann, with nothing other than Makayla Malfoy and Jordyn Riddle. As if she hasn't heard of all the rubbish she put me through last year! The last thing I need is a third horrendous woman terrorizing me for another school year.

A majority of the students have already left on their carriages, but there is only one more carriage for the last students to get on. Those students being: Makayla, Jordyn, Ann, and Chase Malfoy, one of Makayla's siblings.

"Alright you five! Go ahead and get on the carriage," the conductor states.

"Five? But there's only–" Makayla says before turning to me, her expression instantly changing from confused to frustrated. Following her gaze, comes Jordyn's.

"What're you doing here?" Jordyn snarls.

"Same thing that you are–going to school," I respond in return to her ruthless 'Riddle Attitude.'

"Are you all getting on the carriage or not?" The conductor asks before directing us onto the carriage.

We have never ridden these carriages before. Last year, we took the boats. Now, we take the carriages with all the other years. The peculiar thing about these carriages is that they are self-driven. They pull themselves. But, we go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. So, I shouldn't be that refrained by the idea of a self-driving carriage.

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