Chapter 23

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Yeah, I'm most likely broken. I don't technically 'enjoy' the idea of hugs and all of that bullshit, but I let Ann hug me. I definitely notice Louis' surprised look when I accept the hug, and to be honest, I am surprised too.

"I'm glad that you're okay!" Ann exclaims.

I smile a tad, "I am too."

She walks over to Katelyn and they immediately have some sort of conversation. Then Hermione and Ron walk over.

"Good to see that you're okay, Weasley," I say.

"Yeah!" Ron chortles.

"You are definitely not the evil monsterous beast that we thought you were, Makayla," Hermione says. That's a little dramatic, don't you think? "We just want to thank you for helping us. Ron was right, you were important to this."

"I'm still confused on why," I sigh.

"So are we."

"Well, the day is almost over and I've gotta get to packing my stuff up. My parents can't keep me here forever," I chuckle sarcastically and walk to the common room.

I can feel someone's presence following me the entire way to the common room, so I come up with a plan. In my opinion, it's a rather wise plan. I need to find out who is following me. There's only one way to do that.

When I turn a corner, I get my wand out and stay against the wall. I see the person following me turn around the corner and I push them against the wall, putting my wand against their neck. That's when I see their face, his face.

I lower my wand, "Jesus Lupin! I could've killed you!"

"Yeah I think I noticed," he chuckles. "At least we know you can defend yourself."

"As if that'd be any concern to you."

"Right . . . It isn't!"

"Uh huh . . ."

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