Baffling Days Ahead

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You could not believe of what happened that day, you felt that it was quite strange for a turtle to like you. With Donnie having the possibility of liking you, and at the same time Casey liking you as well, boggles you. Deep inside your heart you value the friendship that you have with both of them, but you also feel that entertaining with such thoughts isn't really the best thing to do at the moment. You want to have fun and adventures, but maybe with these things happening, it might be a distraction. However, why would love ever even be a distraction? You continue your chat with Mikey, slowly drinking the soda he has provided. As you drank, you could feel the fizziness of the liquid as it goes through your esophagus. "We should try fruit shakes next time." You told Mikey, "It's not healthy consuming this all the time.". Mikey looked at you surprisingly, "Sure, we have a blender, we can get any fruits known to man and turn them into shakes.". You giggled a little, "Mikey, you should know that not all fruits are here in the country."

You heard footsteps coming, you and Mikey looked behind to see Donnie, Leo, and Raph return. Leo and Donnie's faces lighted up as they saw you, except for Raph, who seemed rather annoyed. You wondered what happened, you've observed that Raph usually smiles when he sees you in the lair, you felt that something was wrong. "Hey guys, happy to see you here (Y/N)." Leo said, "The same goes for me." Donnie added, you smiled back to both of them. Raph have separated ways with Leo and Donnie before both of them went towards you and Mikey, "So, what's up with Raph? He seems, annoyed? or perhaps something else?" You asked, Leo and Donnie both looked at each other, Leo took a deep sigh. "We were going about our day fine, but then all of a sudden as we were heading back to the lair, his face just suddenly went low.". You looked at both of them, filled with concern. "Don't you think he might know something that all of us don't know? and he just couldn't say it because he's... irritated about it?". Leo took a deep sigh once again, "You're right (Y/N), but if he even knew something we don't, especially if it's about danger such as the Foot Clan, then he would've had told us." That makes sense, you thought. "We should probably ask Raph." Mikey suggested, "Yes, that's a good idea Mikey" Leo replied. All of you went to where Raph was, he was sitting near the kitchen, still looking annoyed.

"Hey Raph, are you all right?" Leo asked, as he approaches him. The rest of you stood back, observing the scene. Raph looked much more annoyed as Leo asked his question, but he did not say a word. He was staring at the floor, as if the floor has done something very mean to him. Leo looked back to you guys; he did a facial expression expressing his confusion as to why Raph is behaving in this manner. "Raph? hey buddy, you've been acting quite weird. Is there something wrong?" Leo asked once again, Donnie suddenly made a silent noise, a small little silent noise as he has seen the most shocking thing ever. "Leo, there really is something wrong." Donnie said, in a chilling concerning voice. "What is it?" Leo replied, Donnie then pointed to Raph's neck. In Raph's neck, there laid a very small device in the shape of a circle. At the very center of it, a dim glowing yellow light fluctuates. Leo proceeded to look at Raph's neck, he tapped the very small device, which made the yellow light glow brighter. "Donnie, how were you even able to see this?" Leo said surprisingly, "It's so small.". Raph still looked annoyed, but this time he wasn't staring at the floor anymore, he stared at Leo. "This is getting real weird guys, I guess, we have to take off that small device, whatever that is, in Raph's neck." Mikey raised; he sounded a little scared. You felt that Mikey was correct, that small device might be the one causing Raph to behave in that way. "Guys, Mikey might be correct, we should try" you suggested, Donnie then looked at you "(Y/N) and Mikey could be right, but we don't even know what device is. What happens if we tried to remove that on Raph's neck and it makes the situation worse than it already is?". Leo approached you guys, looking very concern. Leo and Raph don't always go in good terms with one another all the time, but their brotherhood is strong as ever, and deep down you knew Leo deeply loves Raph.

"Donnie, why won't you observe Raph for a while. See how he behaves, he literally just stared at me the whole time I was there with him, this might be something big. What if the Foot Clan did all of this and is spying on us? Trying to figure out where our lair is so that they could ambush and destroy us? This is really concerning, and we must fix this as soon as possible." Leo suggested to Donnie, and he left, heading to Master Splinter's quarters. "This is crazy dude." Mikey said in a worrying voice, "If this was done by the Foot Clan, we're over!". You looked at Mikey and said "Don't say that Mikey, we aren't even sure if this was even the Foot Clan's doing. But whatever happens, there is always a way, and we should not allow the Foot Clan to do this to us, to you guys." You hugged Mikey to comfort him, he hugged you back. "Now, let's observe Raph and try to get information or data from how he behaves." You said, and the three of you headed towards Raph.

Raph have redirected his stare back towards the floor again, this time, his facial expressions expressed a lighter irritation compared a while ago. "It's strange to see Raph like this, I mean he does look like this when he gets annoyed, but his expression seems to be mixed with annoyance and sadness." Donnie said, observing Raph. "What if that device affects emotions?" You suggested, it must make sense, you thought. If the three of them were just going about their day normally and then all of a sudden Raph becomes like this, it must be because of the device. "It could be, it's also possible that that glowing yellow light that fluctuates determine how his emotions are right now." Donnie then started taking notes on his pen and paper, which he usually has on the right side of his pocket. "If ever the Foot Clan was even the one who did this, why would they? What would they want from this and what would they even get from this?" Mikey asked. "Surely not our blood and the mutagen that courses through it" Donnie replied, continuing to take notes as he observes Raph more intently. 

"Master Splinter, we have just arrived home a couple of minutes ago." Leo says as he enters the room of Master Splinter. Master Splinter was sitting in his mat, facing a dozen rows of candles. Master Splinter usually does this as he meditates, it's one of his forms of relaxation aside from reading. "I sense an ambiance of worry and disturbance between your brothers, Leonardo." Leo exhaled and went and sat next to Master Splinter. "Sensei, there really is. I just don't know what to do about it, we found a small device on the right part of Raph's neck. We were just going about our day normally, we left the liar with Raph full of energy and suddenly, as we were heading back home, he looked annoyed. Even strange, he was staring at the floor and a while ago, at me." Master Splinter looked at Leo with a calm look, as if he already knew that Leo already knew what to do, he just has to think clearly and work together with his brothers. "Leonardo, this device, I do not know of. But do you know what I am sure of?" Master Splinter asked, his calm voice filling Leonardo with comfort as it always does. "What is it, Sensei? That I'll figure it out in the end?" Master Splinter smiled a little, he then placed his hands on Leo's left shoulder. "And that through your love with your brothers, you'll make sure to look out for your brothers more." Leo then gave Master Splinter a hug.

"Guys, I think I just figured it out." Donnie said, putting away his pen and paper. "This device, this mall device, does affect Raph's emotions. Hence, behaving and looking this way. But I highly doubt that this is the Foot Clan's doing, that this device came from theirs. I used my magnifying glass to observe the small device much more closely. Surrounding the glowing yellow light are words that aren't even part of Earth's languages. The writing, it may not make sense but, it looks messy but organized." Donnie told you and Mikey, looking much more concerned as ever before. Leo left Master Splinter's room and headed to the three of you. "What do you have for me Donnie?" Leo asked, Donnie then looked at Leo, with an expression mixed with worry and concern. "It really is really bad, that small device on Raph's neck, may not even be from here, from Earth." Leo backed away a little, "Then where could it possibly be from?". Donnie looked at Leo in a way that Leo should've already know what Donnie what Donnie would say, what Donnie meant. "Are you sure?" Leo asked, "I'm not, but it's likely". Mikey looked back at Raph. "Uhm guys..." All of you looked behind and saw Raph now staring above the lair. 

Leo looked at Donnie in a serious manner, "Donnie, we have to figure this out as soon as possible. Who knows what it could do to Raph.". You looked above the lair, just like what Raph is doing right now at this very moment. What if someone was controlling him through that small device you thought. "(Y/N), guys, we should get some good rest now. Starting tomorrow, we need to figure all of this out." Leo said, and he walked away, heading back to Master Splinter's room.

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