"Stick" to the plan

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You reached the lair, you sat on a chair next to a table beside Mikey and Raph. Donnie rushed thru his computer, Leo followed Donnie. Donnie was typing fast on his keyboard, he was trying his best to track down the hostages as best as he can. Leo then walked towards you, he sat on another chair. Leo then took one of his Katana and a small blade and he started sharpening his Katana. Then Donnie stood up off his skateboard chair and started running towards you guys.

"Guys, I've tracked them down." Donnie said while he was fixing his glasses.

"So where are they?." Leo asked curiously while he placed his blade on the table, and placed his Katana on the back of his shell.

"They're in TCRI..." Donnie said "They're in the 15th floor of the building." Donnie finishing his sentence.

"Ok guys, so here's the plan." Leo said while he was looking at you and his brothers "(Y/N), you'll be going in the entrance. You'll distract any person thats in there, like ask some questions or.. stuff.. Then we'll be rushing in trying our best to not get caught, then once we reach the elevator you can stop distracting them and head to the 15th floor to where we're heading. Once we save the hostages, you Mikey help (Y/N) to get the hostages into safety, lead them to the exit. Raph, Me, and Donnie will find the persons who are behind this then meet us in the lair." Leo said then he stood up.

"Lets do this." Raph said while he was standing up.

"We're not going on foot." Donnie said smiling.

"What?." You said curiously.

"Follow me guys you'll love this!." Donnie said happily, then all of you followed him then you saw a big cloth thats covering a huge thing. Donnie then took off the big cloth and you saw a truck that says Tartaruga. "Cool." Mikey said "I've been working on it for along time." Donnie said while he grabbed his keys, then he opened a door you guys went in and when you guys went in you were amazed because there's alot of technology and it was just so awesome. You then sat on a chair then Raph saw a small punching bag and started punching it, Donnie sat on the drivers seat and Leo sat on the right side of Donnie. Donnie started the engine and you guys went off. The truck was so fast it also played some music. After a long ride you guys have reached TCRI. "Guys..." Donnie said nervously "We're here." He said finishing his phrase. "Ok guys, stick to the plan and we wont fail." Leo said while he stood up and opened the door and you guys went out of the truck. You then ran towards the entrance of TCRI, but before you could enter you looked to the turtles you smiled and they smiled back. You then entered TCRI, it was so cold good thing you were wearing your jacket. You then saw some people and you started talking to them.

"Hey." You said awkwardly to a man sitting on a desk.

"May I help you?." He replied but his face was looking serious.

"Uhmm..." You didnt know what to say.

"What?." He replied. You then didnt know what to say but you saw a piece of paper, and you saw a name. The name was Baxter Stockman.

"May I see Baxter Stockman?." You replied politely.

"Wh-" The man was about to say Why?, but the glass on the doors broke then you saw the turltes entering the elevator, that was fast I mean of course they were ninjas.

"Uhh Bye!." You said running to the elevator as fast as you can, the man stood up and tried to get you but you entered the elevator and went up. You reached the 15th floor then you were bumped buy alot of people. "Hey (Y/N) lead them to the exit!" Mikey said "I'll go help my brothers since there are two mutant buddies fighting them." Mikey said then he went off to help his brothers. You lead the group of people on the exit safely, you make sure that they went out of this building safely too. After that you ran to the 15th floor using the stairs, you heard alot of noises. You then saw a warthog and a rhinoceros fighting the turtles, you were pretty sure they got mutated too. You saw Mikey trying to punch the warthog but the warrhog punched him instead. Mikey fell he was lying on the ground, he felt pain. You then saw the warthog approaching Mikey, but Mikey isnt standing up yet, you were worried. So you screamed "MIKEY GET UP!." that was a bad idea. Because the warthog saw you.

"Oh we have another buddy here." The warthog said laughing at you. The turtles saw you "(Y/N) GET OUT OF HERE! RUN!." Leo screamed at you but it was too late. The warthog ran so fast he got you "Ey Rocksteady! Wanna see a flying human?." The warthog was laughing. "YES!." The rhinoceros replied, the turtles were shocked "NO!." Raph screamed then he ran towards the rhinoceros but he punched Raph, same as Donnie and Leo. All the turtles were laying down on the floor, then the warthog laughed and brought you up to the roof with the rhinoceros.

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