What now?

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A week has passed, you didn't see the turtles again because you have loads of quizzes and homeworks. You are at school now, sitting down at your chair, you are about to take your quiz at Calculus. When the quiz has been given to you, you were nervous at first, but you knew you studied so you'll do fine. After you took the test the big red bell rang, it was lunch break already. You and your class said goodbye to your Calculus teacher and headed to the cafeteria.

You were with your bestfriend, both of you were holding a tray filled with delicious food. You looked everywhere trying to find vacant seats where you and your bestfriend could sit and eat already, you guys were starving. But unfortunately you can't find one, the cafeteria is filled with a lot of people, there is no vacant seats anymore.

"Well I guess we just have to eat outside, in the bench." Your bestfriend said frowning.

"Yeah let's just sit there." You replied and both of you headed out of the cafeteria and looked for a bench outside. Fortunately you found a vacant one and you and your bestfriend can finally eat!.

You both sat down and finally ate your lunch. Creamy mashed potatoes, a box of orange juice, some asparagus on the side and a muffin.

"So...." Your bestfriend said while chewing the asparagus inside her mouth "how are you and Casey doing?, I see you both get a long well." Your bestfriend then scooped some mash potatoes and ate it, you can tell by her face she was really starving and happy to eat these delicious food.

"Oh yeah, we are good." You replied then you took a sip on your orange juice.

"Nothing between you guys?." Your bestfriend asked, she raised her eyebrows, then she bursted into laughter.

"Oh no, nothing of course, we are just really good friends." You replied, you also laughed since your bestfriends laugh made you laugh too.

"Ok ok, I'm sorry for asking." Your bestfriend said

"Oh you don't have to say sorry it is fine." You replied

You and your bestfriend just chatted for awhile then when the bell rang again, both of you headed back to the cafeteria to return the trays from which you ate.

~In the classroom~

You were sitting quietly on your seat while waiting for your Physics teacher. You love Physics because it is very interesting, you want to learn everything about Phyics. You took out a pen and your physics notebook and you started to doodle there while waiting.

"Hey (Y/N)!" You looked behind you, it was Casey. You stopped doodling, you said hey back. "So, what are you doodling there?." Casey asked.

"Fighter planes." You replied, you loved doodling about planes so much.

Casey laughed a little bit "Why fighter planes?" He asked

"They're cool." You replied, Casey still laughed a little bit. What is wrong with him, you wondered.

"So I have another hockey game tonight, but this time it's the championships. Do you wanna come and watch me?." He asked, then he pulled out a ticket in his bag "I have a ticket for you."

"I'll see about it, because we might have loads of quizzes and homeworks again tomorrow." You replied. But deep inside you, you still wanted to go.

"Oh ok sure no pressure." Casey replied. Then finally your Physics teacher arrived and the class started.

~After class~

Finally you're going home and you get to rest!, you've been waiting for this moment. But sadly, your Physics teacher said you would be having a quiz tomorrow so you have to study once you get home. You went to your locker and return some books, then you exited the school.

It was a nice day, the sun is shining bright, the clouds look fluffy. You were walking down the streets, a lot of people passing by you, mostly men and women wearing suits like they have meeting or something. While walking you thought about visiting the turtles, the last interaction you had with them is when you guys played the truth or dare game, and when you texted Donnie.

You're almost at your house, you're still thinking whether or not to visit them. " I could ask Donnie for help in Physics since he loves everything related to Science." You told yourself, but you just couldn't decide yet. You already reached your destination, you went up quickly to your room.

You cleared your mind, and immediately studied for Physics. An hour has passed it is already 5:00 in the afternoon, you remembered Casey invited you for his hockey match. You were done studying at Physics anyway, so you decided to just go with Casey.

"Maybe I could visit the turtles later after the hockey game." You thought. Then you prepared yourself, you asked permission to your mom and dad if you could go, they both agreed. Then you went straight to the place where the hockey game will take place.

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