Chapter 8: Vampire Party

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Chapter 8: Vampire Party

Peaceful night in Arcane Haven

9:15 pm

Leo is busy reading an animal encyclopedia, engrossed in the details of various species. Meanwhile, Melvin is immersed in his world, wearing headphones and singing along to his favorite songs.

Melvin (singing loudly): "Am on my knees while am beggin', cuz I don't wanna lose youuuuu... Hey yeah~... Ratatata... Am beggin', beggin' youuuuu...Put your loving hand out, baby~"

Leo, growing increasingly annoyed by the noise, attempts to focus on his reading.

Melvin (sings with enthusiasm): ", quiero raspirar tu ceolo despacito~ I dunno the rest of the lyrics-o~ But still I try to singit-sooo~ Des-pa-cito~~"

Leo's patience finally reaches its limit, and he takes decisive action by swiftly throwing Melvin out of their room.

(He slams the door shut)

Melvin (chuckles): "Ah geez, guess I disturbed him quite a lot, huh? Well, let's go roam around a little..."

Melvin decides to take a leisurely walk, allowing Leo to read in peace and finding solace in the tranquility of the night.

Melvin started roaming around in the campus, enjoying the tranquility of the late-night scene. The empty pathways and the calm ambiance of the night had a soothing effect on his mind.

As he strolled, he reached a serene lake that glittered under the moonlight. The reflection of the stars on the water's surface created a mesmerizing sight. Melvin paused to take in the view, lost in his thoughts.

Melvin (whispering to himself): "What a beautiful sight... This place is so different from my hometown. No pollution, no chaos, no late-night jerks roaming around........ just peace."

Melvin lost in his thoughts, takes a seat in chair nearby and start talking to himself while looking towards lake.

Melvin: "How long.. is it been since i felt so happy and free.

You noticed it too right melvin, since you came here, your depressed and lonely self seems gone.....     You made your first friends.. who are better than any person you have ever met...."

While he was busy in his thoughts, a sudden movement in the distance caught his attention. A dark, swift figure flew across the sky near the lake. It was far so he couldn't recognise what it was.

Melvin (intrigued): "Huh! What...... Is that?"

*That figure disappeared swiftly*

"It was too big and fast to be a bird... Almost ...looked like something humanoid...Could it be a student?"

Mia's voice: "Talking to yourself, Melvin?"

Mia's sudden appearance behind him startled Melvin.

Melvin (surprised): "Waah!! Mia! Don't sneak up on me like that!"

Mia (chuckles): "Sorry, I saw you lost in thought, so I thought I'd say hi."

Melvin: "Oh, no problem. I was just admiring the lake. By the way, what are you doing here at this hour?"

Mia: "Oh, I was just coming back from the library. Lost track of time while reading, as usual...hehe."

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